CSE 101, Design and Analysis of Algorithms , Spring, 2014

Prof. Russell Impagliazzo

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of California, San Diego
La Jolla, CA 92093-0114

Office: 4248 Computer Science Building
Phone: (858) 534-1332; Fax: (858) 534-7029;
Email: russell@cs.ucsd.edu

Russell's Office Hours: Monday 12:10-2, Thursday, 3-5. CSE 4248

Russell will have no office hours this Thursday, April 17.

TA Udbhav Singh Yan Yan Stefan Schneider
TA Office Hours Stefan: Tuesday, 3-6, CSE b240 a Udbhav: Wed, 10:30-11:30 and 1-3, CSE b260a Yan: Friday morning, 10-12, CSE 3148
Discussion W 3-4, rooms A: (last two digits of SID 01-33) Leddn Auditorium; B: (33-66) York 2622; C: (67-00) Warren Lecture Hall 2001

Discussion section is mandatory. Please keep that time free. Practice quizzes are during discussion section.


Russell's office hours will be later this thursday, May 15 (approximately 3-6).

Course handouts and assignments

  1. Class Description Note: revised April 2 to include discussion of algorithmic experiments
  2. First homework, due Monday April 7 Note: revised April 2 to fix some mistakes in the intersection question see the LaTeX template from last year and PDF preview
  3. First homework answer key
  4. Second homework, due Wed. April 16 NOTE: Revised as of Friday, April 11, including extension to Wed.
  5. Second homework answer key
  6. Sample quiz 1
  7. Sample quiz 1 answers
  8. Practice quiz 1 answers
  9. Homework 3, due April 23 Note changed problem 1 sorted --> unsorted
  10. Homework 4, due Monday, May 5
  11. Homework 5, due Monday, May 19
  12. Sample quiz 2
  13. Sample quiz 2 answers
  14. Practice quiz 2 answers
  15. Third homework answer key
  16. Fourth homework answer key
  17. Homework 5 answer key
  18. Homework 6, Due June 4
  19. Homework 6 answer key Includes problem from Quiz 4
  20. Sample quiz 3
  21. Sample quiz 3 answers
  22. Sample quiz 4
  23. Sample quiz 4 answers
  24. Sample Final
  25. Sample Final answers
Lecture notes: Most of these are from Spring, 2004, written up by Sean O'Rourke They will be posted as we cover the topics in class. Currently Available:
  1. Graph search (pdf)
  2. Using data structures (pdf)
  3. Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm
  4. Greedy algorithms 1: Interval scheduling
  5. Analyzing recursive algorithms
  6. The Master Theorem
  7. Divide and conquer multiplication

Course Topics Study Guides

  1. Leeann Bent's Order Notation Summary Sheet (PDF)
  2. Using data structures in algorithms
  3. Proving greedy algorithms optimal