CSE 245
Circuit Simulation
Spring 2010University of California, San Diego
- CK Cheng, CSE2130, ckcheng+245@ucsd.edu, tel: 858 534-6184
- Lectures: 3:30-4:50PM, TTH, CSB005
- Office Hrs: 2:00-3:00PM, TTH, CSE2130
- No Class on Tu 4/27 and Tu 5/25
- (I) Interconnect Analysis and Synthesis CK Cheng, J. Lillis, S.Lin and N. Chang, John Wiley
- (E) Electronic Circuit and System Simulation Methods T.L. Pillage, R.A. Rohrer, C. Visweswariah, McGraw-Hill
Notes and Papers
- Lecture 1: Introduction,
- Lecture 2: Linear System,
- Lecture 3: Model Order Reduction I ,
- Lecture 4: Model Order Reduction II ,
- Lecture 5: Numerical Integration ,
- Lecture 6: Matrix Computations: LU Decomposition,
- Lecture 7: Matrix Computations: Iterative Methods I,
- Lecture 8: Matrix Computations: Iterative Methods II,
- Lecture 9: Nonlinear System: Newton Raphson Method,
- Lecture 10: Adjoint Network.
Homeworks and Lab Assignment
- Lab 1 Formulation (Spice version)., Lab 1 Formulation (PowerSpice version) (Due 4/22).,
- Homework 1 (Due 4/22):
- (1) Devise simple but non-trivial circuits to show at least five different ways to formulate state equations. Try to use similar circuits for the five different formulations.
- (2) Devise a simple but non-trivial circuit with one or more loops of capacitors. Express its state equation.
- (3) Devise a simple but non-trivial circuit with one or more cuts of inductors. Express its state equation.
- (4) Devise a method to formulate circuits with branch voltage sources using nodal analysis. Describe the conditions that the nodal analysis formulation is feasible.
- Homework 2 (Due 5/11): For the circuit shown in Fig. 5.1 of textbook E, derive the moments and the approximation.
- (1) Suppose the current source is a impulse function, derive the first four moments of voltage across capacitor C2. Show the circuits used for moment calculation.
- (2) Use Pade approximation to derive the transfer function H(s), where the numerator has order 1 and denominator has order 2.
- (3) Show that the reduced circuit in SPRIM matches the first four moments of the circuit.
- Lab 2 Integration (Due 5/18).
- Homework 3 (Due 6/1): For matrix computations using iterative methods, according to the formulations of minimal error in A norm and minimal residual, derive the procedure of a) Lanczos, b) conjugate gradient, c) GMRES, and d) conjugate residual.
- (1) Describe the algorithm of the procedure.
- (2) Use a 5x5 matrix to demonstrate your algorithm using Krylov space of dimension two, i.e. K(r,A,2).
- (3) Discuss the error in the example due to the limit of the dimension of Krylov space.
- (4) Discuss the error in the example due to the numerical error.
Lab 3 Integration (Due 6/3). Proj: Select one subject from the project list.