Email should be used only for questions that require individual
attention (e.g., exam regrades, etc.).
For technical questions (e.g., about homeworks, material presented in class,
etc.) you should use the QuickTopic web discussion board
so that everybody can benefit from the answer.
If you send email to the instructor or TA please include the string
CSE20 in the subject line (anywhere, possibly within a more descriptive message).
Also, your email messages should be in plain text
format and include valid sender and return addresses.
Emails not following these rules risk to be automatically deleted
by spam filtering program and never reach the instructor/TA.
The main textbook for the class is
A Short Course in Discrete Mathematics by Bender and Williamson.
This is a math course. Still, computers can be used to explore many topics related
to the course material, and reinforce your learning. For example, all mathematical objects
studied in the course can be easily implemented using a high level programming language,
and this allows you to write programs that operate on these mathematical objects, and
experiment with them.
A good reference about how to do that is the book
Discrete mathematics
using a computer by O'Donnell, Hall and Page, which you can
access on-line
through the UCSD library.
(If you like the book, you can also buy it at a discount price.)
Course announcements will be made through this course web page.
(Announcements are in reverse chronological
order, most recent announcement on top.)
You are responsible for checking the webpage
regularly for announcements.
- Qian will hold a final review session on Saturday June 5, 2pm in EBU3B 2154.
(There will be no regular session on Monday during final week.)
- Solutions to HW5
and HW6.
(These are just the same as those posted on discussion board.)
- Homework 6 is available. Due Thursday May 27.
Reading assignment: Unit SF, all. The homework also includes two problems on
loop invariants, which were covered in class on May 13 and 18, but are not covered
in the textbook. If you missed both classes, you can borrow some notes from some other
student, come to office hour on May 21, 24, 26, and go to discussion on May 24. You can
also find plenty of information, notes and examples about
loop invariants
just searching the web.
- Daniele's office hour on May 28 is cancelled.
- Homework 5 is available. Due Thursday May 20.
Reading assignment: Unit SF section 1. By now you should have also read
Unit IS section 1.
- Reminder: Quiz 2 on Tuesday May 11. Covers proofs, program correctness, integers (even, odd, mod, divisibility, gcd, primes, etc.), well ordering, induction.
- Homework 4 solutions are available.
- Homework 3 solutions are available.
- Homework 4 is available. Due Thursday May 6.
Reading assignment for the last lecture is unit NT Section 2
(gcd and Euclidean algorithm. We will talk about cryptography only later in the course.)
You may want to read also Unit IS section 1 on induction.
- Homework 3 is available. Due Thursday April 29.
Reading assignment for the last lecture is unit NT Section 1 of the textbook.
There you can find also many additional problems, similar to those in the homework,
with solutions at the end of the book.
- Reminder: Quiz 1 this Tuesday Apr 20.
Covers propositional logic and predicate logic.
- Homework 2 solutions are available.
- Revised version of Homework 2 posted on Apr 12, 9:45am
to correct typo in problem 3. If you don't see the "Revised Apr 12" note on Problem 3
title line, try to refresh your browser cache, and download again.
- Second discussion session has been scheduled on Monday 2:00-2:50pm in CENTER 214.
- Homework 2 is available. Due Thursday April 15.
- Daniele's office hour is now on Friday, 2pm
- Homework 1 solutions are available.
- Reading assignment: Unit Lo Section 2 (Predicate Logic) from textbook.
- Reading assignment: Sections 1.6, 1.7, 1.8 and 1.9 (pages 21-26)
from Albert Meyer's
Mathematics for Computer Science. Read also
Section 6.5 (Natural Deduction, pages 126-140) from
Chapter 6 of
the O'Donnell et al's book.
Optionally reading:
Section 6.6 (Proof Checking by Computer)
from the same chapter to see how natural deduction proofs can be
mechanically checked.
- Optional reading: Chapter 2 of
Discrete mathematics using a computer to get a quick introducton to the
Haskell programming language.
This is not required, but useful if you want to use a computer to experiment with the
material presented in this course.
- Homework 1: Due on Thursday April 8, at the beginning of class.
Make sure you write your name and student ID number on your solutions, and if the span
more than one page, make sure they are securely staples together. You can drop your
solutions on the instructor desk as you come to class on Thursday. For everybody's
benefit, solutions will be postest right after class.
So, no late submissions will be accepted.
- Reading assignment: Unit BF/Section 1 from the textbook (Boolean Functions),
and Unit Lo/Section 1 (Propositional Logic).
You may also want to skim through Unit SF (Sets and Functions),
and Unit BF/Section 2 to see some examples of digital circtuits.
We will cover those sections in greater detail later in the course.
- We will use QuickTopic
as a discussion board.
- Grades will be posted on
You should have received an email with your password to access gradesource.
If you didn't, contact the instructor.
Day |
Time |
Room |
Lectures |
Tuesday, Thursday |
11:00am-12:20pm |
CENTER 216 |
Discussion |
Monday |
1:00pm-1:50pm |
CENTER 214 |
Discussion |
Monday |
2:00pm-2:50pm |
CENTER 214 |
Quiz 1 |
Tue. April 20 |
11:00am-12:20pm |
CENTER 216 |
Quiz 2 |
Tue. May 11 |
11:00am-12:20pm |
CENTER 216 |
Quiz 3 |
Tue. June 1 |
11:00am-12:20pm |
CENTER 216 |
Final Exam |
Tuesday, June 8 |
11:30am-2:20pm |
CENTER 216 |
A second discussion session has been scheduled.
The two discussions are identical. You only need to attend one.
Discussions will be solved problem sessions, where the TA
presents problems similar to those in the HWs and exams.
Course requirements and policies
Class members are expected to do all of the following in order to
satisfactorily pass this class:
- Attending lectures
- Studying relevant chapters of the textbook, as covered in class, and additional study
material posted on this webpage
- 6 Homework assignments
- 3 (in class) Quizzes/Midterms
- 1 (in class) final exam
Homeworks and exams will contribute to your course grade as follows:
homeworks (30%), quizzes (30%) and final (40%).
We will drop the lowest homework and lowest quiz score when computing the average.
Grades will be available through GradeSource. If you are enrolled
in the class you should have received an email from gradesource with
instructions and a secret number to access your grades.
Grades will NOT be assigned on a curve. You will receive a grade based on
your own performance. If everybody does well, everybody will get an A!
Final grades will be based roughly on the following scale:
F ≤50%.
Plus and minus will be assigned to the instructor's discretion. This includes
but is not limited to: improvement over the course of the quarter,
class participation, and natural "breaks" in the distribution of scores.
No late homework submissions will be accepted, and there will be no make up
quizzes. Quizzes will be during regular classroom time, and everybody is expected
to attend. Dropping the lowest quiz and homework score will take care of exceptional
situations under which you may miss an assignment, without being penalized.
There will be no make up final exams. If you don't show up at the final, you will receive
0 grade, unless you missed the exam due to a demonstrated medical problem.
Both the quizzes and the final exam will be closed books, closed notes.
You can take 1 double sided sheet of notes to each exam,
but the notes must be your own.
Academic honesty: All students are expected to be
familiar with and abide by the rules of UCSD Policy on
Integrity of Scholarship as described in the UCSD General Catalog. In case of
cheating, such policy will be enforced. This means an F grade in the
course, and action by the Dean of your college (probation or suspension from
UCSD). You are encouraged to form study groups
to discuss the material presented in class and the homework
assignments. However, you should write the solutions to the homeworks
on your own. If you collaborate with other students on the solution of the problems,
you should also clearly aknowledge that, and give the names of your collaborators
at the beginning of your homework solutions. (If appropriate, you should also describe
the nature of the collaboration.)
You can use Internet, additional textbooks, and any material you find useful as a
study tool. However, the use of any such resource in the solution of homeworks
assignments should be clearly aknowledged in your solutions.
No form of collaboration is allowed during quizzes/midterms and final exam.
Regrade requests on any exam or assignment
are only accepted within a week after the graded object has been returned.
Do not modify your solutions after they are returned to you.
If you alter the your solutions, you loose
any right to request a regrade of that exam. Modifying the exam and
then bringing it back to ask for a regrade will be treated as a violation of
academic honesty rules, and so prosecuted.