CSE 171, Spring 2006

User-Interface Design: Social and Technical Issues

Deadlines and Exams

Thursday, April 6:Finish reading sections 1.4 and 1.5 (pp. 4--9)
and this encyclopedia article on Value Sensitive Design.
Friday, April 7:Turn in homework 1.
Tuesday, April 11:Finish reading chapter 3 (pp. 37--54)
and the introduction to Value-Driven Design by Joseph Goguen and Fox Harrell.
Thursday, April 13:Finish reading chapter 2 (pp. 16--31)
and Communication and Collaboration from a CSCW Perspective by Mark Ackerman.
Try at least 5 of the applets in 61 Optical Illusions and Visual Phenomena.
Friday, April 14:Turn in homework 2.
Tuesday, April 18:Finish reading Techniques for Requirements Elicitation by Goguen and Linde
and Social Impact Statements by Ben Shneiderman and Anne Rose.
Thursday, April 20:Finish reading chapter 5 (pp. 82--95)
and Affordance, Convention, and Design by Donald Norman.
Friday, April 21:Turn in homework 3.
Tuesday, April 25:Finish reading On Notation by Joseph Goguen
and the tutorial Semiotics and UID by Dana Dahlstrom and Vinu Somayaji.
As the tutorial suggests, tour the Semiotic Zoo, especially the semiotic introduction
and the explanations of the first 5 exhibits in Area I (ending with the applet).
Thursday, April 27:Finish reading chapter 4 (pp. 59--71)
and sections 1 and 2 (pp. 1--11) of An Introduction to Algebraic Semiotics by Joseph Goguen.
Declare your group of 3 or 4 members for the group project.
Friday, April 28:Turn in homework 4.
Tuesday, May 2:Finish reading chapter 6 (pp. 105--120)
and sections 1 to 3 (pp. 1--15) of An Introduction to Algebraic Semiotics by Joseph Goguen.
Wednesday, May 3:Submit descriptions of 3 project ideas brainstormed by your group
Thursday, May 4:Finish reading chapter 9 (pp. 150--166)
and sections 1 to 4 (pp. 1--18) of An Introduction to Algebraic Semiotics by Joseph Goguen.
Friday, May 5:Turn in homework 5.
Tuesday, May 9:Finish reading chapter 7 (pp. 124--131)
Thursday, May 11:Take the midterm exam. (Bring ID!)
Wednesday, May 17:Turn in the formal proposal for your group project.
Thursday, May 18:Finish reading sections 1 to 3.2 (the first 13 pages) of Direct Manipulation Interfaces
by Hutchins, Hollan, and Norman.
Friday, May 19:Turn in homework 6.
Tuesday, May 23:Finish reading Direct Manipulation Interfaces
by Hutchins, Hollan, and Norman.
Thursday, May 25:Finish reading chapter 12 (pp. 210--227).
Friday, May 26:Turn in homework 7.
Tuesday, May 30:Finish reading Agents that Reduce Work and Information Overload (downloadable at UCSD)
by Pattie Maes.
Thursday, June 1:Finish reading chapter 8 (pp. 134--147).
Monday, June 5:Turn in your final group project. (1 point per day bonus for early submission!)
Tuesday, June 6:Finish reading Direct Manipulation vs. Interface Agents (downloadable at UCSD).
Friday, June 9:Turn in homework 8.
Thursday, June 15:Take the final exam. (3:00--6:00 PM; bring ID!)

Course Material

Other Resources

Basics and Contact Information

Lecture: Tuesday and Thursday, 3:30--4:50 PM
Sequoyah Hall room 147
Discussion Section: Friday, 9:00--9:50 AM
Peterson Hall room 104
Instructor: Dana Dahlstrom (e-mail dana+171 at cs.ucsd.edu)
office hours: Tuesday, 11:00--12:00 AM and Wednesday, 1:00--2:00 PM in CSE building room 2208
TAs: Alex Kozlowski (e-mail kman at graphics.ucsd.edu)
office hours: Friday, 10:00--11:00 in CSE building room B240A
Fox Harrell (e-mail redfox at ucsd.edu)
office hours: by appointment
Textbook: User-Centered Website Development
by Daniel McCracken and Rosalee Wolfe. 2003: Pearson Prentice Hall. ISBN 0-13-041161-2.
Grading: 10% quizzes; 15% midterm exam; 20% group project; 25% homework; 30% final exam
Your lowest quiz score and your lowest homework score will be dropped automatically.

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