CSE 252B: Computer Vision II
Spring 2004
Instructor: Serge Belongie, Assistant Professor, AP&M room
4832. Office Hours: MTu 2:00-3:00pm
Note: when emailing the instructor with questions about the class, please put "cse252b" in the subject line or use the following address:
sjb+cse252b |
| |
Class section id for CSE252B: #513471.
Lecture: MW 5:00-6:20pm, HSS 2154.
Class mailing list:
Topics to be Covered:
Geometric models of image formation. Projective Geometry. Interest point detection. Robust feature matching across wide baselines. Calibrated and uncalibrated reconstruction of 3D models of objects from 2D images. Construction of photo-mosaics. Camera calibration. Optimal camera pose and structure estimation.
Prerequisites: linear algebra, calculus, probability and statistics.
This course makes extensive use of Matlab. Click here for
information on Matlab.
Here are the Grading and Course Policies and the Scribe Resources.
- Introducing Matlab [html]
- MaSKS Ch. 1-3
- HZ Sec. 1.0-1.4 [pdf]
- Assignment #1 [pdf]
- MaSKS Sec. 5.1, 5.2.1-5.2.2, 5.3
- A computer algorithm for reconstructing a scene from two projections (Longuet-Higgins) [pdf]
- In Defense of the Eight Point Algorithm (Hartley) [pdf]
- Perspective Transform Estimation (Wren) [html]
- A Plane Measuring Device (Criminisi, Reid and Zisserman) [html] []
- Algorithms for Plane-Based Pose Estimation (Sturm) [pdf]
- Assignment #2 [pdf] [files]
- Metric Rectification for Perspective Images of Planes (Liebowitz and Zisserman) [ps.gz]
- MaSKS Ch. 6 and Appendix 6.A
- HZ Sec. 1.7, 2.2.1, 2.2.3, 2.5-2.7, 7.5 [pdf]
- Motion and structure from point correspondences with error estimation: planar surfaces (Weng, Ahuja and Huang) [pdf]
- Assignment #3 [pdf] [files]
- Self Calibration from Multiple Views with a Rotating Camera (Hartley) [pdf]
- Self-calibration of rotating and zooming cameras (de Agapito, Hayman and Reid) [pdf]
- MaSKS Sec. 5.2.3
- MaSKS Ch. 4
- A Fast Operator for Detection and Precise Location of Distinct Points, Corners and Centres of Circular Features (Förstner and Gülch) [pdf]
- Junction detection with automatic selection of detection scales and localization scales (Lindeberg) [ps.Z]
- Feature Based Methods for Structure and Motion Estimation (Torr and Zisserman) [pdf]
- The Development and Comparison of Robust Methods for Estimating the Fundamental Matrix (Torr and Murray) [pdf]
- Assignment #4 [pdf] [files]
- An iterative image registration technique with an application to stereo vision (Lucas and Kanade) [pdf]
- Good Features to Track (Shi and Tomasi) [ps] [pdf] Tech Report [ps]
- Making Good Features to Track Better (Tommasini et al.) [pdf]
- Shape and Motion from Image Streams: A Factorization Method (Tomasi and Kanade) [pdf]
- Affine Structure from Motion (Koenderink and van Doorn) [pdf]
- Final Exam [pdf]
Scribe Notes:
- Lecture 1 (Mar. 29): Geometry of Image Formation, Homogeneous Coordinates [pdf] (Scribe: Sameer Agarwal)
- Lecture 2 (Mar. 31): Homogeneous Linear Least Squares Problems, Two View Geometry [pdf] (Scribes: Dave Berlin, Jefferson Ng)
- Lecture 3 (Apr. 5): Epipolar Geometry, Calibrated Reconstruction [pdf] (Scribe: Tasha Vanesian)
- Lecture 4 (Apr. 7): Planar Scenes and Homography [pdf] (Scribe: Jayson Smith)
- Lecture 5 (Apr. 12): Relationships between the Homography and the Essential Matrix [pdf] (Scribes: Hamed Masnadi-Shirazi, Solmaz Alipour)
- Lecture 6 (Apr. 14): Stratification in 2D: from Projective to Affine to Euclidean [pdf] (Scribes: Haixia Shi, Chong Zhang)
- Lecture 7 (Apr. 19): Uncalibrated Epipolar Geometry [pdf] (Scribe: Smriti Yamini)
- Lecture 8 (Apr. 21): Projective Reconstruction [pdf] (Scribe: Richard Schumacher, Paul Hammon)
- Lecture 9 (Apr. 26): Affine and Euclidean Reconstruction [pdf] (Scribes: Jia Mao, Andrew Rabinovich)
- Lecture 10 (Apr. 28): Camera Calibration [pdf] (Scribes: Martin Stiaszny, Dana Qu)
- Lecture 11 (May 3): Optimal Pose and Structure [pdf] (Scribes: Manmohan Chandraker, Sunny Chow)
- Lecture 12 (May 5): Mid-Quarter Review [pdf] (Scribe: Vincent Rabaud)
- no class May 10 & 12 due to ECCV2004
- Lecture 13 (May 17): Interest Point Detection [pdf] (Scribes: Louka Dlagnekov, Brian Fulkerson)
- Lecture 14 (May 19): Robust Feature Matching [pdf] (Scribes: Jeremy Pollock, Neil Alldrin )
- Lecture 15 (May 24): Feature Tracking and Optical Flow [pdf] (Scribe: Siddhartha Saha)
- Lecture 16 (May 26): Orthographic Structure from Motion using Tracked Points [pdf] (Scribe: Hao-Wei Liu)
- no class May 31 due to Memorial Day
- Lecture 17 (Jun. 2): Review for Final Exam
Required textbook:
Relevant non-required textbooks:
Computer Vision -- A Modern Approach by Forsyth and Ponce
Introductory Techniques for 3-D Computer Vision by Trucco & Verri
Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision by Hartley & Zisserman
The Geometry of Multiple Images by Faugeras, Luong, and Papadopoulo
Vision Science: Photons to Phenomenology by Stephen E. Palmer
Handy Math reference:
Most recently updated on Apr. 5, 2004 by Serge Belongie.