CSE 171: User Interface Design: Social and Technical Issues

1. The class notes are not a substitute for the assigned readings! They are often critical commentaries meant to supplement or correct the readings, and sometimes they just reflect what I felt like writing at the time, or what was easy to copy in from somewhere else, rather than what is most important. Also, please note that the lectures and the readings beyond the text are at least as important as the text itself.

2. Readings and homework for a given week will normally be posted on the class website on Thursday and/or Friday of the week before; posted material is subject to change until Saturday, but any changes after Friday will be minimal. They are due the following Thursday.

3. Some of you may be unable read assigned gziped postscript papers, probably due to using MS Explorer without gunzip and/or ghostview; the TA for a previous version of this class wrote a short note on this problem, as part of his discussion notes for that class. You will probably have no trouble with unix machines, and you will certainly have no trouble with the CSE unix machines on campus.

  1. Due 5 April:Although theoretically this material should have been read before the first class meeting, it is of course acceptable to have read it before the second meeting.
  2. Due 12 April:
  3. Due 19 April:
  • Due 26 April:  
  • Due 3 May: This may look like a lot, but each item is relatively short.
  • Due 10 May:  
  • Due 17 May:  
  • Due 24 May:  
  • Due 31 May:  
  • Due 7 June:
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    © 2000, 2001 Joseph Goguen, all rights reserved
    Last modified: Tue Jun 5 12:36:30 PDT 2001