CSE 221
Welcome to the CSE 221 web page. This is the graduate
Operating System class.
Office hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays 4pm to 5pm. As it says on the
handout, you can drop by at other times sans appointments, and I'll
accommodate you if I'm not busy; to be sure, make an appointment.
This web page contains virtual handouts / announcements.
Here's the first handout.
Thanksgiving Party
I invite you to a Thanksgiving "dinner" at my home. I put "dinner" in
quotes because it'll be more akin to experimental biochemical
engineering -- I've never cooked a turkey before, but... have ovens,
will bur.. um, roast/baste. If you have some culinary expertise and
can give sage advice, lemme know, and bring side dishes or desserts if
you can/have the time. I'll have beer / wine / soda as well as the
turkey(s) & stuffing.
My guess is that the gorging will start around 4:30 or 5 and last
until whenever.
Please feel free to invite others, esp students who are far from home.
Let me know approx numbers, so I can plan. It'll be outdoor dining
(as usual) -- I'll be getting torches -- moving indoors if the weather
is uncooperative, though we'll be resource-limited by furniture
availability. Lemme know if you have any folding chairs/tables....
Text directions and a PS map to
my home are available.
Survey paper
Due date for survey paper is midnight Nov 21. The program committee
meeting will be on Nov 24. You should be in groups of 4, surveying 10
papers in a sub-area in OS. See the
OSSurveyF98 web page for submissions
info, program committee review assignments, etc.
In-Class Discussion Papers
Note: if you don't have the papers, drop by my office (AP&M 5141).
They're in piles outside my door.
Amusing: Operating System Sucks-Rules-O-Meter.
I encourage you to use the zephyr chat service to talk to each other
and discuss OS issues. Try out
% /net/adven/disk1/zephyr/bin/emacs-zephyr
on a department Solaris machine. It will run an emacs process which
provides both instructions on using zephyr as well as an emacs-based
zephyr client. Zephyr is a general chat service, so please use the
zephyr instance "os", i.e., make your zephyr prompt look like
(os)<<< Hey, was this Dijkstra guy on drugs?
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bsy+www@cs.ucsd.edu, last updated Wed Jun 9 15:42:53 PDT 1999.
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