96 students handed in something. Assignment as a whole: mean 94.8698 stdev 8.72921 Part 1: mean 24.218750 stdev 3.089644 Part 2: mean 24.062500 stdev 3.771639 Part 3: mean 23.072917 stdev 5.466269 Part 4: mean 24.395833 stdev 3.077063
The following bar graph shows the grade distribution. Each bar counts
a range of 5 points, so the bar at position 0 counts the number of
people who received a score of 0-4, position 1 counts 5-9, ..., at
position 18 counts 90-94, but position 19 counts 95-100.
Because this assignment was specifically designed to be easy -- and to
make sure that you learn to use the turnin program -- the scores
here will be scaled to be worth 80% that of a normal assignment.
The solutions:
bsy@cse.ucsd.edu, last updated