The TA for the course is Stephane Belmon. Stephane's office hours are 9am-10am Mondays and Wednesdays in AP&M 3337A. There are 5 tutors for the course as well. Their names and lab hours are:
Seang Chau | MW 2-3p |
Kevin Berggren | Tu 6-8p |
Bevan Schroeder | Tu 8-10p |
David Beattie | Th 8-10p |
Michael Chen | F 12-2p |
Grading will be based on the following percentages:
Homework | 30% |
Midterm | 30% |
Final | 40% |
As I said in class, comments will in general count for 40% of a programming assignment's grade. Comments are very important because they are how you communicate with the next programmer who has to pick up your code; if your program is not understandable, it may have to be rewritten from scratch. Real-life products have had portions thrown away and rewritten because of such problems.
You should be using the URL to reach the class Webnotes page. If that server is down, you may also try using (Use the latter only if the former is down; is my desktop workstation; the web pages archived there are not necessarily up-to-date.) |, last updated