Assignment 1 : GDB + x86 (20 pts)

Deadline: Thursday, October 19th, 2023 by 11:59 PM PDT

This is a group project; you can work in a team of size at most two and submit one project per team. You are not required to work with the same partner on every project. You and your partner should collaborate closely on each part.

You have three late days that you may use to turn in work past the deadline over the entire quarter. A late day is a contiguous 24-hour period. Both you and your partner will be charged for every late day that you use, and you both must have late days to use them. These late days are intended to cover your extension needs for usual circumstances: brief illness, busy with other classes, interviews, travel, extracurricular conflicts, and so on. You do not need to ask permission to use a late day.

The code and other answers you submit must be entirely your team's own work. You may discuss the conceptualization of the project and the meaning of the questions, but you may not look at any part of someone else's solution or collaborate with anyone other than your partner. You may consult published references, provided that you appropriately cite them (e.g., with program comments).

Solutions must be submitted to Gradescope.


The goal of this assignment is to become familiar with the setup that will be used for future assignments, such as the use of a virtual machine and the included turn-in script, as well as the basics of working with gdb and writing programs in x86 assembly.

Getting Started

To complete this assignment, you will be provided with a VirtualBox VM pre-populated with the assignment files.

VM Image

In order to match the environment in which your submission will be graded, all work for this assignment must be done on the VirtualBox VM we provide, named pa1box. You can download the VM image here.

The VM is configured with two users: student, with password hacktheplanet; and root, with password hackallthethings. The VM is configured with SSH on port 2222. Please note that SSH is disabled for root, so you can only SSH in as the student user. You can still log in as root using su or by logging into the VM directly.

To SSH into the VM:

ssh -p 2222 student@

To copy files from your computer to the VM:

scp -P 2222 -r /path/to/files/ student@

To copy files from the VM to your computer:

scp -P 2222 student@ /destination/path

Part 1: Using GDB (10 pts)

Alice is a security engineer in a company called Security4All. She felt that their programs are running a bit weird recently. After doing some research, she suspect that the C compiler they are using might have been backdoored. It is a huge issue because a compromised compiler will potentially defeat all security mechanism they implemented in a higher level language. Now Alice heard that you have experience with gdb in some classes and asks for your help to learn the behavior of a program using gdb.

Files for this sub-assignment are located in the gdb subdirectory of the student user's home directory in the VM image; that is, /home/student/gdb. SSH into the VM and cd into that directory to begin working on it.

Inside the gdb directory, you'll find fib.c, a C program demonstrating the Fibonacci sequence; a Makefile; and hw1.txt, in which you'll record your responses to the questions below. The first step is to compile fib by running make on the command line.

To run the fib executable in GDB, run gdb fib. I recommend the following workflow in GDB:

  1. Starting. Set breakpoints that you can later use for analysis:
  2. Analyzing. Examine memory, registers, etc; disassemble code; show stack frames, backtrace, etc; and more:
  3. Continuing. Continue analysis:

Note that this is only a cursory overview of GDB; much more info is available from online resources.

Assignment Instructions

Complete the following exercises and fill out hw1.txt with your answers. Follow the directions in the template, do not delete the square brackets

  1. What is the value, in hex, of the ecx register when the function f is called? (2 pts)
  2. Which register stores the value of the variable i in the function main? (2 pts)
  3. What is the address, in hex, of the function f? (2 pts)
  4. What is the name of the 6th instruction of the function f? (2 pts)
  5. When f completes after being called from main, to which address in main does control return? Write your answer in hex form. (2 pts)


Submit hw1.txt to "1a. gdb" on Gradescope. Gradescope will check that it has successfully detected your answers, but it will not give you your grade until the due date.

Part 2: echo in x86 (10 pts)

Bob is a developer at Security4All. He received an internal warning that the compiler might be compromised. However, not being able to use a compiler blocks the development of their project that has to be released in a week. While the security team is still investigating the compiler, Bob decides to finish up their development using raw assembly. However, it's been five years since Bob took his undergrad class about assembly, so Bob needs you help to write a simple x86 assembly program to refresh the knowledge.

Files for this sub-assignment are located in the x86 subdirectory of the student user's home directory in the VM image; that is, /home/student/x86. SSH into the VM and cd into that directory to begin working on it.

For this part, you will be implementing a simplified version of the familiar echo command, using raw x86 assembly code. The goal of this assignment is to familiarize you with writing programs directly in x86.

Your echo command must behave as follows:

Your code should be written in the file echo.s inside the x86 directory. A heavily-commented example echo.s is provided, which simply prints the message Hello World (followed by a trailing newline) to stdout. Your job is to modify this program to meet the specification for echo above.

A Makefile is included, so you can build the echo binary by running make from the command line.


Submit echo.s to "PA1: x86 echo" on Gradescope.

Helpful Hints

M1 machines

VirtualBox doesn't work on M1 machines. To use the vm image on M1 machines, you will have to install qemu and run the vm with it.

brew install qemu

qemu-system-x86_64 \
-cpu qemu64 \
-m 4096 \
-device e1000,netdev=net0,mac=08:00:27:D3:23:52 \
-netdev user,id=net0,hostfwd=tcp::2222-:22 \
-drive file=/Path/to/pa1box/pa1box-disk1.vmdk

User and ssh settings are the same as using VirtualBox.