Nuno Bandeira
Section: A & B |
Debashis Sahoo
Section: C |
Teaching Assistants:
Ning Liu
Office hour W, 4pm-6pm (CSE Basement: 240)
Mingxun Wang
Office hour: F, 11am - 12:30pm(CSE 4252) 3:30pm - 4:00pm(Skaggs 4105) - Subject to change, check calendar.
Wenjia Ouyang
Office hour: Tue 9:40am-11:40am (CSE Basement: 240)
Section A: MWF 9:00a-9:50a, WLH 2005
Section B: MWF 10:00a-10:50a, WLH 2005
Section C: TuTh 2:00p - 3:20p, York 2622
Discussion sections:
Section A: M 5:00p-5:50p, WLH 2001
Section B: W 8:00a-8:50a, WLH 2005
Section C: F 4:00p-4:50p, CENTR 212
Final Exam:
Section A: 12/09/2015 Wed 8:00a-10:59a Mandeville auditorium
Section B: 12/11/2015 Fri 8:00a-10:59a Peterson 110
Section C: 12/10/2015 Thu 3:00p-5:59p York 2622
Forum: Piazza
Gradesource: Section A&B
Gradesource: Section C
CSE 100 is a course in advanced data structure design, analysis, and implementation. We will study such data structures and applications as balanced trees, tries, graphs, hashing, disjoint subsets and union-find, skiplists, treaps, random number generation, memory management, indexing, and compression. CSE 100 is a prerequisite for all other upper-division programming courses in the CSE major at UCSD.
This web page contains links to the latest information for CSE 100, Fall 2015. You are responsible for knowing this information, so read these links. (When revisiting a link, use the "reload" button on your browser to make sure you have the latest version of a page, and aren't just rereading the old page from your browser cache.)