Computer Lab and Accounts

Each student in the course will have two accounts to use for coursework, one on Bang, the other on Ieng6.

The programming environments on Bang and Ieng6 have been set up assuming that you have defined the PUB environment variable to point at a certain folder on each respective machine. In particular, PUB should be defined in the file .bash_profile, which is is located in your home directory, as follows:

Machine Command
Ieng6 export PUB=$PUBLIC
Bang export PUB=/share/class/public/cse160-fa13


On Bang, your login ID and password wil be the same as your UCSD network email account name, that is, your AD (Active Directory) login. Here are instructions for using Bang.


On Ieng6, your login ID and password will either be that of your UCSD network email account, or that of a special course account starting with "cs160f". To see which one you should use for CSE 160, use the Account Lookup Tool. If you see a "cs160" account name there, use it; if not, use your UCSD network email account name. In either case, when you log in, you should run the command prep cs160f to initialize your environment appropriately.

Your accounts are hosted on the machine, a load-balanced multiprocessor server running the Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system. There are also other ieng6 servers that we will publish soon. These resources are for work related to CSE 160 only.

Access to the server is available via workstations in the instructional labs in the basement of the CSE building, EBU3B, as well as the server, remotely using ssh. (Note: Tutors specifically for CSE 160 are planning to hold hours in lab B220.)

Getting into the labs

Labs are unlocked M-F 7am-10pm and Sat and Sun 7am-7pm. You can get in the lab 24 hours a day 7 days a week using the combination provided for this class. This combination is available using ACS's account lookup tool at

Getting logged on

Getting logged off

Don't forget to log off of your machine when you are leaving it! In the GUI, click on the red hat in the lower left hand corner and select Log Off. Then Click OK in the dialog box that pops up to complete your logout.

You can use your home computer or any other system to experiment with programs for this course. However, your programming assignments will be graded using the g++ compiler, version 4.7.3, on bang only. It is your responsibility to make sure your programming assignment solution works in this environment!

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