Course and Grading Policies

(CSE 160, Fall 2013)


It is important that you attend lecture regularly and that you set aside the time to complete the assigned readings before the start of class. During lecture, we will work problems that are relevant to the reading. Lecture complements the text and may cover different material, or present the readings from a different perspective.


Your grade will be based on 4 Programming lab assignments, 5 quizzes, the midterm, and the final exam.

Programming labs (50%)

You'll build applications using threads and message passing, to help connect what you are learning in class to the practice of parallel programming. All programming labs shall be carried out by teams of exactly two. We encourage you to discuss the labs with your classmates, but teams must work independently. If you aren't sure about this, see Professor Baden.

Quizzes (10%)

The quizzes will be given at the start of section and will help you measure learning progress in the course. The lowest quiz score will be dropped and there will be no makeup quizzes. Quizzes will be announced in advance.

Midterm (15%)

The midterm exam will be given during week 6. You will be responsible for all material covered in the readings, quizzes, lecture, as well as the programming assignments.

Final exam (25%)

The final exam will be comprehensive, and cover all course material.

Integrity of Scholarship

The policy for this class is that you must do your own work. In short, Don't cheat. The CSE 160 staff are available to you to learn what you need to do well in the course.

If you do cheat we will enforce the UCSD Policy on Integrity of Scholarship (see the UCSD Academic Integrity website). The consequences are this: you will get an F in the course, and the Dean of your college will put you on probation or suspend you from UCSD.

In CSE 160, you can read books, surf the web, talk to your friends and the CSE 160 staff to get ideas for solving your programming assignment. However, your 2-person team must write your own solutions to your programming assignments. What is considered cheating? Using code that someone else wrote, or providing code to someone else, is considered cheating. Yes, we do check every program that is turned in. WRITE YOUR OWN CODE.

To ensure you there are no misunderstanding: Don't even look at or discuss another student's code, and don't let another student look at your code. Don't start with someone else's code and make changes to it, or in any way share code with other students.

It is your responsibility to protect your code repository so that only your team member can access the code (and be careful if partnerships change during the quarter). If you enable others to gain access to your repository, we will treat the matter as a breach of Academic Integrity, as described in this document. We will provide instructions on how to properly use a repository in section during the week one, and you must use the repository offered as part of the course infrastructure.

Also, in CSE 160, you must write your own answers on the closed-book exams and quizzes. Getting answers from someone else, or providing answers to someone else, is considered cheating.

More details about the Integrity of Scholarship Policies in effect for this course are described in the following document, which also discusses the code usage Policy for the course:

Be sure to familiarize yourself with this document. If you have any questions, see Professor Baden.

Lateness and Grading appeals

Plan your work schedule around any planned absences from school and inevitable machine downtime. Late computer labs will be accepted for up two (2) days after the deadline, subject to a 10% penalty for each day the assignment is late. This policy will not be waived except in cases of emergency or hardship. In such cases contact us as soon as you can. If you are planning to be away from school, be sure and contact us in advance to avoid penalty.

Re-grade requests will be accepted for one week only, starting from the day the graded work is returned. After that, the grade is unchangeable. Re-grades should be requested only if there is clearly a mistake in grading, such as tallying your score or a missing score. Note that the whole assignment or exam will be re-graded; this could result in a lower score than before. Tampering with a graded assignment paper is considered a breach of Academic Integrity.

Lab Partnerships

All programming assignments shall be done in teams of 2. If there are an odd number of students we will work it out.

Choose your partner carefully! Be sure to budget times in your busy schedules to enable you to meet for non-trivial amounts of time! It's best if you can meet in person for some of that time, if not by phone or video call. This is especially true if you have a job, or if you commute to school.

If your partner drops the class, contact one of us immediately so we can help match you with a new partner, and post to the "looking for a partner" Moodle web board.

If you want to switch partners, that's OK with us. However, note the following policies.

  1. You must give notice at least one week prior to the next assignment (schedules will be posted at least one assignment in advance).
  2. Once an assignment is in progress (that is, it has been released), a partnership cannot be broken nor new ones reformed until the NEXT assignment. For the purposes of grading, a group's membership remains intact until the deadline for the assignment in progress has passed.

We may permit you to reuse code your wrote outside the course, for example, from another course. Normally this would cover basic utility functions and the like, where the purpose of reusing the code would be to relieve you of mundane tasks, without reducing the learning experience. Contact us if you have code you'd like to re-use; for code written jointly with others, you must obtain written permission from the code co-author(s). Other rules apply and be sure to read over the code reuse and sharing section of the Integrity of Scholarship Agreement.

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