The computing platform for the course is the CSME program's Bang cluster. This cluster consists of 35 Dell PowerEdge 1950 servers, which are interconnected with an infiniband switch. Each compute server has two quad-core Intel Xeon E5345 ("Clovertown") 2.33GHz CPUs, for a total of 8 cores per compute node, and 16GB of RAM.
Bang's processing hardware includes 3 components:
Login to your account on the cluster's login server node (not the front end server node) by typing:
Use your current campus Active Directory (AD) login and password; these are the same as you use for the campus UCSD-PROTECTED wireless network, campus VPN service, and most of the ACMS servers/labs.
Students may reset their passwords with the "ACMS Global Password Change Tool" at:
Faculty and staff may reset their AD password at:
To get your environment set up properly, modify your .bash_profile. In particular, append the file BASH_PROFILE, located in /share/class/public/cse160-fa13/Profiles, to the end of the .bash_profile file, located in your home directory. You will now have various handy command aliases at your disposal. You'll also have a pre-defined environment variable, called PUB, where all public files for the course are located (except for the assigment starter codes, which are located in SVN):
Now, you are ready to start running jobs.
To run jobs on Bang, read Running jobs on the Bang Cluster.
Bang runs Rocks Cluster Linux 6.1, and the Rocks-bundled "SGE" batch job scheduler. We will use the Gnu compiler suite, version 4.7.3, which is available by running the "module" command:
module load gcc-4.7.3
It's not possible to receive email on the login node and you can only "send out" email from the login node
Here is a description of the memory hierarchy characteristics of Bang's multicore processors.
More generally, here is how to Explore an Intel processor's attributes.
Maintained by [Sat Sep 14 19:44:33 PDT 2013]