Fall 2013   CSE 140L  Digital Systems Laboratory

Dr. Choon Kim

News & Updates

24.    12/17/13: [Dr. Kim]  Final Exam & Letter Grade information is available on Ted Announcement and MyGrade.

23.    11/25/13: [Eddie]  On my Wed. Nov. 27th office hours(10am-2pm),  Angie will replace my hours from 10am to 12pm and Jason will replace my hours from 12pm to 2pm.

22.    11/24/13: [Larry]  My regular office hours have been permanently changed to Tue. 9am - 5pm effective today
                          [Zack]  My office hours on this Thanksgiving week only has been changed to Monday(11/25/13) 9am - 5pm. 

21.    11/22/13: [Dr. Kim]  You have to put the submission time stamp on LAB#4 hard-copy cover page to demonstrate. You can copy & paste your submission time stamp from [Review Submission History] window on Ted,   e.g., Submission ( November 22, 2013 2:47:41 PM PST ).   You don't put this submission time stamp on zip file when submitting.

20.    11/20/13: [Dr. Kim]  LAB#4 assigned.  Submission Due = Demo Due = Thu. 6pm  12/05/13.

19.    11/13/13: [Dr. Kim]   One more "Err " display condition has been added on LAB#4 assignment document,. See the Section 4.3).
The condition is:  ****Credit Card input when hex[3:0]=3500(i.e., when Deposit=35 and Change=00) ****.  Play with the golden solution first if you have a question.

18.    11/12/13: [Dr. Kim]  LAB#3 Sub&Demo Due date&time has been changed to Thu. 6pm 11/21/13 (from original Wed. 1pm 11/20/13).

17.    11/09/13: [Dr. Kim]  Midterm score is available on Ted. The solution has been announced and reviewed during class. Student can review his/her exam paper with me in my office during my office hours until 12/06/13.

16.    11/07/13: [Dr. Kim]  LAB#3 assigned.  Submission Due = Demo Due = Thu. 6pm 11/21/13(new due date&time)  

15.    11/05/13: [Dr. Kim]  My regular office hours have been changed permanently to W Th. 11am -1pm.  My "Open-door office hour" is  still valid.

14.    10/24/13: [Dr. Kim]  Reminder:  Midterm on Fri. 1-1:50pm, 11/1. It's a closed-book exam. Nothing other than pen/pencil with eraser is allowed.

13.    10/23/13: [Dr. Kim]  A hint for Verilog coding for our LAB:   The initial construct and the delay specification(#<n>,   e.g., #4 ....)  in Verilog are not needed for our LAB projects. See lecture notes for more.

12.    10/22/13: [Dr. Kim]  Job info.:    job_tivo_letter    job_tivo_Information Session - UCSD

11.    10/18/13: [Dr. Kim]  LAB#2 Sub&Demo Due date&time has been changed to Mon. 3pm 11/04/13 (from original Thu. 6pm 10/31/13).

10.    10/18/13: [Eddie]  My regular office hours on T,Th 12:30-1:30pm have been permanently moved to M,W 1-2pm.  So, my new regular office hours are M 10-2pm, W 10-2pm.  Please see updated Tutor Office Hours.

09.    10/16/13: [Eddie]  My today's office hour 10-1pm has been cancelled due to medical emergency. Instead I will have Oct. 18(Fri.) 10-1pm to replace today's missing office hours.

08.    10/15/13: [Dr. Kim]  About LAB#2 Report section b)  --- The section b) is a graphical presentation of your LAB#2 work using the flowchart format. Each student's presentation would be different depending his/her work flow. There is, therefore, no standard solution or example. If you are not familiar with the concept of flowchart, see  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flowchart  
                         [Wai Ho]   My Oct. 16(Wed.) office hour 10-12pm has been moved to Oct. 18(Fri.) 4-6pm.

07.    10/12/13: [Dr. Kim]  Recommended Verilog books. Note that numerous good Verilog books are available in the world and each book is different in various ways. In the end you yourself should find a book best suitable for your own unique situation.
                                            a)  Verilog HDL (2nd Edition) -- 2003 by Samir Palnitkar
                                            b)  A Verilog HDL Primer (Third Edition) -- 2005 by J. Bhasker

06.    10/10/13: [Dr. Kim]  LAB#2 assigned.  Submission Due = Demo Due = Mon. 3pm 11/04/13(new due date&time)

05.    10/06/13: [Dr. Kim]  The LAB score is available on Ted within a week(7 days) after Demo. Student is responsible for checking his/her LAB score on Ted quickly to make sure it is correct. If student has a question regarding a LAB score on Ted, he/she should first contact & discuss with the tutor who had reviewed his/her Demo. If not resolved, then contact Dr. Kim.  Always provide CID number when communicating with tutor/Dr. Kim.

04.    10/05/13: [Dr. Kim] Extra chance to see me("Open-door office hour") --- Student may ask me a question in my office when he/she sees my office door is open. If I am not busy, I will be happy to help student. However if I am busy, I cannot help and will ask student to come back later.

03.    10/03/13: [Dr. Kim]  Reminder --- Tutor(& Dr. Kim) office hours can be changed when an unexpected time conflict happens. Student should check the latest office hour list first if he/she wants to meet a specific person.
                          [Justin]    My office hour on Oct. 7 will be 11:30-1pm and 2:30-6pm (instead of 1-6pm).
02.    09/29/13: [Dr. Kim]  My Oct. 2 office hour has been moved to Oct. 8 at the same time.
01.    09/27/13: [Dr. Kim]  1)  Class starts at 12pm(Discussion) Fri. 09/27/13.
                                           2)  LAB#1 assigned.  Submission Due = Demo Due = Thu. 6pm 10/10/13 
                                           3)  CID and 3219LAB access code are available on Ted( <your CID>/999 ).

Course Description

Implementation with computer-aided design(CAD) tools for combinational logic minimization and state machine synthesis. Hardware construction of a small digital system.  See http://www.cs.ucsd.edu/cse140L.

Dr. Choon Kim, office: CSE3218,    office phone: 858-246-0320, email: chk034@eng.ucsd.edu     Office hours(see tutor section below)

Message from Instructor
Welcome to CSE140L class! The knowledge & skills that you will learn from this class can be very useful in your engineering career in the future. Also the LAB projects can be fun to do. However this class demands your significant amount of effort and real hard work. I wish all of you a good luck in my class.

http://cseweb.ucsd.edu/classes/fa13/cse140L-a/    For Syllabus, News & Updates, Lecture notes, LAB assignments,  etc.
https://ted.ucsd.edu/webapps/login/                        For Submitting LABReport, Checking grade, Discussions among students , etc.

Course Information Sources
        1.  This course webpage and instructor are only valid information sources for any course-related issues such as LAB Projects, Reports, Grading, Exam or other issues.  If student has a question which is not answered on this course webpage(or if an information from instructor is inconsistent with the information on this course web page), student should ask instructor to get a clear answer.

        2.  Therefore any excuse based on source other than above two is not accepted by instructor. For example, an excuse like "A tutor said this...",   "A friend of mine said that...",  "I heard it from somebody who took this class before...", etc. is not accepted.

        3.  Student is required to check this webpage frequently, at least twice a day, to avoid missing time-critical information.

Rules about tutors:
    -    Tutors are available for student. Student may be able to get help from them.
    -    Remember a fact that student, not tutor, is responsible for completing project successfully.
    -    Any information from tutor must be treated by student as an unconfirmed or unverified reference only. Student is responsible to check and confirm the correctness & the validity of information obtained from tutor.
    -    Therefore any excuse by student based on tutor's help(e.g., "Tutor said this..." or "Tutor said that....", etc.) is not accepted by instructor.

Tutor location:   CSE3219LAB (If the 3219LAB room is reserved or occupied by other event, tutor will meet student at the lobby area in front of the CSE3226)

Note:  Tutor(& Dr. Kim) office hours can be changed when an unexpected time conflict happens. Student should check the latest office hour list first if he/she wants to meet a specific person.
Tutor List and Office hours:                                      Mon                         Tue                          Wed                            Thu           
Angie Nguyen <ann045@ucsd.edu>:                          12-5pm                                                       12-3pm 
Eddie An <hman@ucsd.edu>:                                    10-2pm                                                       10-2pm 
Zach(Jae-hyun) Lee <jal198@ucsd.edu>:                    9-1pm                                                                                       3:30-7:30pm
Jason K Yohena <jyohena@ucsd.edu>:                      9-12pm                    3-5pm                                                           2-5pm
Jonathan J Shamblen <jshamble@ucsd.edu>:                                              4-8pm                                                           4-8pm
Justin Kang <jsk071@ucsd.edu>:                                1-6pm
Larry Huynh <lahuynh@ucsd.edu>:                                                           9am - 5pm                                                               
Wai Ho Leung <whleung@ucsd.edu>:                 10-12pm, 2-4pm                                              10-12pm                       5-7pm
Dr. Kim(instructor) <chk034@eng.ucsd.edu>:                                                                            11am-1pm                  11am-1pm
(In addition, Dr. Kim has "Open-door office hour". Student may ask Dr. Kim a question in his office when student sees his office door is open. If he is not busy, he will be happy to help student. However if he is busy, he cannot help and will ask student to come back later.)

Class Schedule(Time, Place):
Check Tritonlink(Schedule of Classes)

About missing or skipping class
    -    Student is required to attend all the lectures and the discussions.
    -    If a student misses a class, he/she is responsible to recover all the missing information as soon as possible.
    -    Missing or skipping a class is one of common reasons of failure or low grade.

Weekly Class Schedule(note: It can be changed if necessary)
Week #1  (9/27) Introduction to course, LAB HW, SW, doc information, CAD Process,  LAB#1 assignment
Week #2  (10/4) Intro. to CMOS, Gates, Logic Design(Comb. Logic), FPGA, Introduction to Verilog HDL
Week #3  (10/11) Comb. Ckt(cont'd), Sequential Ckt Concept, Verilog HDL(cont'd),  LAB#2 assignment
Week #4  (10/18) Sequential Circuit Design,  Verilog HDL(cont'd),
Week #5  (10/25) Sequential Circuit Design(cont'd), FSM
Week #6  (11/01) ***Midterm exam(closed-book) on Fri. 1-1:50pm  11/01/13   &   LAB#3 assignment
Week #7  (11/8) FSM(cont'd), 
Week #8  (11/15) Practical Sequential Logic Design,
Week #9  (11/22) Practical Sequential Logic Design(cont'd),    LAB#4 assignment
Week #10 (11/29)  NO class -- UCSD Thanksgiving Holiday
Week #11 (12/06)  Practical Sequential Logic Design(cont'd)

Week #12 ***** Final Exam(closed-book) *****************

Textbook :
No textbook, but a HW FPGA Board is required for each student. The textbook of CSE140 class is a good reference for this CSE140L class.

Computer needed for class(Window PC, not Mac) 
    -    Window PC is required. Mac does not work since our CAD SW does run on Window, not on Mac.
    -    Student can use either student's own PC or PCs on CSE3219 LAB room.

CSE3219 LAB Room
        1.  The CSE3219 LAB is open 24 hours, 7 days a week. Access method to the lab will be announced for students. The 3219LAB has Window PCs to be used by student.  First read CSE3219Lab General Policies before using LAB.

        2.  CSE3219 LAB is a shared LAB with other classes and events. Various hours/time slots are reserved for others frequently. Student cannot use 3219 LAB room or LAB PCs when they are reserved for other class or events.
             If the 3219LAB room is reserved or occupied by other event, tutor will meet students at the lobby area in front of the CSE3226.  Student need to check the LAB Schedule sheet posted on the LAB door or the event "CSE 3219" on Google Calendar if available.

        3.  I have reserved 4-6pm M-Th for our class(however note that it can be overridden by more important or urgent event of department)   

        4.  Where do you save your design data when using LAB PC?  One suggested option is, you bring & use your own USB drive.

Class ID(CID)
An unique 3-digit number called Class ID(CID) will be assigned to each student. Check your TED account grade window to find your CID. The CID will be used throughout the course to identify a student. CID starts from 001 to the number of students enrolled(e.g., 249, etc.)

HW FPGA Board & CAD SW tools

1. HW FPGA Board(each student should have one for the class.)
Altera Cyclone II FPGA Starter Development Board(a.k.a DE1 Board)

2. CAD SW(free download from Altera site -- see the link below)
Altera Quartus II Web Edition Software v9.0 Service Pack 2 (works on Window 7/8, Vista, XP) -- DO NOT use different version(e.g., later version).

    -    If student uses CSE3219 LAB PC, it has SW installed already.
    -    If student uses his/her own PC, download it from following Altera website, and install it on your computer.
The executable file name is "90sp2_quartus_free.exe" and the file size is about 1.31GB.

LAB Project(Working, Submission and Demonstration)

Step 1.  Working on LAB project
    -    All LAB projects must be done by student individually.  No group work is allowed.
    -    Discussion of information NOT directly related to the solution is allowed among students(e.g., general discussion of Verilog, CAD SW, HW Kit, etc.).  However, sharing of solution or information directly related to the solution between students is NOT allowed.
    -    It is highly recommended to plan early and start the project as early as possible for better chance of successful completion.
WARNING against delaying Submission & Demonstration tasks until the last day.  It is NOT a good idea to delay your work to the last day or last part of the project period. You may have a pretty good chance of missing due time.

Step 2.  Submission of Report & Design files to TED system

2.1  Student must submit a file to Ted system first before making a demonstration. Each student should put following two files into a single ZIP file(file name is "LxCyyy.zip"), and submit it to TED system by Submission Due date & time.

        file#1)   a PDF file of your LAB Report(file name is "ReportLxCyyy.pdf")
        file#2)   a ZIP file of your LAB Project design directory(file name is "ProjectLxCyyy.zip")
           where, x=LAB Number,  yyy=your CID. 

   Example:  For LAB1, student with CID#009 should submit L1C009.zip which contains ReportL1C009.pdf and ProjectL1C009.zip.
   Example:  For LAB3, student with CID#196 should submit L3C196.zip which contains ReportL3C196.pdf and ProjectL3C196.zip.

Notes: ---------
        - DO NOT CHANGE the contents of your LAB Report and LAB Project Design AFTER you submit them.

        - TED accepts your submission only once per LAB. Resubmission is not allowed by TED.
       - No late submission is allowed by TED.
       - If a student misses submission or submits an invalid, not-working or nonfunctioning file(s), he/she will receive zero(0) point for the LAB regardless of Demonstration.

        - No excuse for missing due is accepted. For example, any SW, HW, Network failure, etc. is not an acceptable excuse. Only exception is a case that you were in an emergency which is verified by an official document from Doctor, Police or UCSD. In such a case, student must contact instructor as soon as possible.


   Contents of LAB#4 Report------------------------------------------------------------
        1) Use this LAB4_Report_cover_page.docx (note: You have to put the submission time stamp on hard-copy cover page to demonstrate.  You can copy & paste your submission time stamp from [Review Submission History] window on Ted,   e.g., Submission ( November 22, 2013 2:47:41 PM PST ).  You don't put this submission time stamp on zip file when submitting. )
        2) Procedural description of work done to complete the project
        3) ***ONLY UPDATED PART*** of Verilog HDL codes
        4) ***ONLY UPDATED PART*** of State Diagram of your design
        5) A screen copy of Compilation Report - Flow Summary(Clearly mark the Percentage(%) value of "Total logic elements")

   Contents of LAB#3 Report------------------------------------------------------------
        1) Use this LAB3_Report_cover_page.docx
        2) Procedural description of work done to complete the project
        3) Verilog HDL codes of your design
        4) State Diagram of your design
        5) A screen copy of Compilation Report - Flow Summary(Clearly mark the Percentage(%) value of "Total logic elements")

   Contents of LAB#2 Report------------------------------------------------------------
        1) Use this LAB2_Report_cover_page.docx
        2) Provide the followings in your report.
                     a)  Your work description(i.e., Describe what & how you did in detail to complete the Parts in LAB#2)

                     b)  A Flowchart drawing of your design(similar to a Flowchart when you write a SW programming codes)
                          This is a graphical presentation of your LAB#2 work using the flowchart format. Each student's presentation would be different depending his/her work flow. There is, therefore, no standard solution or example. If you are not familiar with the concept of flowchart, see  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flowchart  

                     c)  Complete Verilog Codes

                     d)  Flow Summary in Compilation Report. Clearly mark the Percentage(%) value of "Total logic elements"

                     e)  Timing Analyzer Summary in Compilation Report. Clearly mark the "Worst-case tco" row

   Contents of LAB#1 Report------------------------------------------------------------
        1) The Report must be written well and clean enough for grader to understand it easily in order to receive any credit. It has no more than 10 pages excluding cover page.
        2) Use this LAB1_Report_cover_page.docx
        3) You should provide the followings in the report for LAB#1.

                     a)  Your work description(i.e., Describe what & how you did in detail to complete the Parts in LAB#1)

                     b)  Schematic diagram

                     c)  Functional simulation diagram (hint: similar to the one shown in the example diagram in the LAB#1 Document)

                     d)  Timing simulatio diagrams. You must show at least one timing delay value on your waveform, just like the one shown in the example diagram in the LAB#1 Document

                     e)   Timing Analyzer Summary(hint: it is available after you compile your design successfully)

Step 3.  Demonstration of your project to Demo Reviewer(instructor or tutor)

1. A student who made a submission to TED is allowed to demonstrate his/her design to Demo Reviewer(instructor or tutor) by Demo Due date & time

Notes: ---------
        - DO NOT CHANGE the contents of your LAB Report and LAB Project Design AFTER you submit them.

        - The LAB Project design showing on demonstration must be the same one which was submitted to TED. Otherwise it is regarded as cheating and
zero(0) point will be assigned to student.

        - Demonstration is performed during office hours with first-come, first-served basis.  No appointment for demonstration will be made.

        - No late Demo is allowed.  No defective malfunctioning DE1 board is allowed for Demo.

        - If a student misses Demonstration,
he/she will get zero(0) point for the LAB regardless of the submission.  Only exception is a case that you were in an emergency which is verified by an official document from Doctor, Police or UCSD. In such a case, student must contact instructor as soon as possible.

3.2  Student must bring a hardcopy of LAB Report to demo reviewer(instructor or tutor) to start demonstration.

3.3  For demonstration, DE1 board should have been programmed with your design using AS(Active Serial) method, not JTAG method.

3.4  NO reprogramming of DE1 board is allowed during demonstration. All the Parts of a LAB project should be tested continuously without any interruption of reprogramming. One exception may be LAB4(which may require reprogramming during demo.).

1.  100 points total:
            Four LABs        = 70 points(10 points for LAB#1,  20 points for each of remaining three, LAB#2-4)
            Midterm exam   = 10 points
            Final exam         = 20 points.
2. LAB#1:
        a) 5 points for Demonstration. The student score is determined by tutor/instructor based on the quality of LAB Demo output result.
        b) 5 points for a Report. The student score is determined by tutor/instructor based on the quality of LAB Report.
        a) 15 points for Demonstration. The student score is determined by tutor/instructor based on the quality of LAB Demo output result.
        b) 5 points for a Report. The student score is determined by tutor/instructor based on the quality of LAB Report.
3. NO Partial Credit Grading Policy(exception can be made by instructor in special circumstance)
        -    Each LAB project consists of several Parts(for example, LAB#1 may have five Parts).
        -    You will get either full score or zero(0) on each Part of LAB.  NO partial score is assigned to a Part.
        -    A full core is given only if all required features of the Part are implemented and demonstrated correctly. Otherwise zero(0) will be assigned.
        -    A partial score, if given, is a clerical error and will be converted to zero(0) point.

4. A plus(+) and minus(-) grading scheme will be used in the final letter grade assignment(e.g., A+ A A-, B+ B B-, C+ C C-, etc.).

Academic Dishonesty & Student Conduct Policy
As student in this offering of CSE 140L, you are expected to know and abide by the UCSD Policy on Integrity of Scholarship (as described in the Student Conduct Code in the UCSD General Catalog), the Jacobs School of Engineering Student Honor Code, and the course policy described here. Any student violating UCSD's Academic Dishonesty or UCSD's Student Conduct policies will earn an 'F' in the course and will be reported to their college Dean for administrative processing. Committing acts that violate Student Conduct policies that result in course disruption are cause for suspension or dismissal from UCSD.
--------------------- The End ------------------