CSE 15L, Section B, Fall 2009

Scientific Debugging

Important Dates and Deadlines

There are no future deadlines.

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Course Material

Other Resources

Basics and Contact Information

Meetings: Thursday, 14:00–15:50
EBU3B room B260
Instructor: Dana Dahlstrom (e-mail dana+15L at cs)
office hours: by appointment in EBU3B room 2106
Teaching Assistant: Richard Strong (e-mail rstrong at cs)
Textbook: Debugging: The 9 Indispensable Rules for Finding Even the Most Elusive Software and Hardware Problems
by David J. Agans. 2002: AMACOM. ISBN 0-8144-7457-8.
Available on campus at Groundwork Books and on reserve at the library.
Grading: 25% in-class quizzes (lowest score dropped); 50% collaborative lab notes and individual lab reports; 25% final exam

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