- The project (phase 2) is now due on the day of the final, Tuesday 12/8, to be handed in at the beginning of the final (7pm). Please bring all hard copy print outs to the final.
- The final is scheduled for Tuesday 12/8, 7 - 10 pm in 103 Peterson Hall (same room as lecture).
- The project page has been updated with further clarifications on the project phase deliverables.
- No TA office hours or discussion section today Wed 11/4. Matt is out sick.
- Everything is postponed by a week for Phase 1. In person consultations are moved to Thurs Nov 5 at the same times. Deliverables for Phase 1 due Tues November 10.
- A correction to the Lecture 7 reading assignment has been made. Check out the Lectures page.
- The midterm will be October 27 and the first increment project deliverables, including code, will be due on November 3. The midterm will be made up of Study Questions, and questions based on the Deliverables.
- When emailing the professor or the TA, please use [CSE111] in the subject of your e-mail.
Course Information
The class meets Tuesday/Thursday 6:30pm - 7:50pm in Peterson Hall 103
Discussion section meets Wednesday 2:00pm - 2:50pm in Warren Lecture Hall 2111
Instructor: |
Bill Howden |
Office: |
EBU3-3138 |
Email: |
howden (@) cs.ucsd.edu |
Office Hours: |
Immediately after lecture Tues/Thurs, and by appointment |
TA: |
Matt Jacobsen |
Email: |
mdjacobs (@) cs.ucsd.edu |
Office Hours: |
1:00pm - 1:50pm Weds in EBU3-4142 (or just outside in the end of hall alcove), or by appointment |
The course consists of two exams and a project, graded as follows:
- Midterm: 30%
- Final: 40%
- Project: 30%