CSE 70, Fall 2008

Software Engineering

Important Dates and Deadlines

There are no future deadlines.

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Course Material

Other Resources

Basics and Contact Information

Lecture: Tuesday and Thursday, 15:30–16:50
Warren Lecture Hall room 2114
(mandatory) Lab: Tuesday and Thursday, 17:00–17:50 (after lecture)
EBU3B room B270
Instructor: Dana Dahlstrom (e-mail dana+70 at cs. ucsd. edu)
office hours: [TBD] in EBU3B room 2208
Teaching Assistant: Tess Winlock (e-mail twinlock at cs. ucsd. edu)
open lab hours: Tuesday and Thursday 18:00–19:00 in EBU3B room B270, Friday 13:00–15:00 in EBU3B room B260
Required Text: CSE 70 Course Reader
available at A.S. Soft Reserves on campus
Grading: 25% in-class quizzes (lowest dropped); 50% class project; 25% final exam

La perfection est réalisée, pas quand il n'y a rien à davantage ajouter, mais quand il n'y a plus rien à emporter. —Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

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