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CSE 221
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CSE 221 Fall 2008

Alex C. Snoeren
T/R 11-12:20pm WLH 2112

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The in-class final will be Thursday, December 4th.

Join in the discussions on the class Webboard.

CSE 221 is a 4-unit core graduate subject with lectures based on paper discussions, homeworks, a final, and a term project. The purpose of this course is to teach computer software system structures from a design point of view. We will look at different structuring techniques, and we will examine their usage in both important historical systems and in modern systems. In addition to learning about different system structures and different operating systems, you will learn:

  • How to read a research paper in an objective manner.
  • How to write a critical analysis of the research described in a paper.
  • How to articulate your understanding of and insights into a research paper.
  • How to synthesize research themes and topics across multiple papers.
Prereqs: CSE 120 or equivalent undergraduate course (or consent of instructor) and substantial programming experience with C/C++ for term project.

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