CSE 100: Data Structures

Welcome to CSE 100!

Instructor: Cynthia Lee
Email: clbailey@cs.ucsd.edu*
Office Hours: Th 12:20-2:00 in CSE 3254

TA: Brian McFee
bmcfee at cs.ucsd.edu*
Office Hours: M 3:00-5:00p in CSE B260

* Questions: All non-confidential questions should be posted to the webboard instead of by email to the instructor or TA. This is to facilitate faster responses and allow all students the benefit of the answer.

Class Meeting: Tu/Th 11:00a-12:20p in LEDDN AUD Center Hall 216
Discussion: W 1p-1:50p in CSB 001, W 2p-2:50p in CSB 002
Final Exam: December 10, 11:30a - 2:29p Center Hall 216

Prerequisites: CSE 12, CSE 21 or Math 15B, CSE 30, CSE 70, or consent of the instructor.

Textbook: Data Structures and Their Algorithms by Lewis and Denenberg will be used as a reference for this course. I have put 2 copies on reserve in the S&E library (inside the main library) for those who don't have a book, or ordered one online that hasn't arrived yet, etc. The campus bookstore also carries this book for our class.

Useful Links:
     Lecture slides (classroom: CSE 100 FA08, password to join class: cse100)
     Gradesource (your passwords will be emailed to you soon)
     Webboard (username is your UCSD email name, password is your PID (a########))


Thanks to Jeannie Albrecht for the web design.