CSE 599 Teaching Methods in Computer Science
Fall 2006


What is this course?

This class serves several purposes. First, it is required for all UCSD CSE graduate students (you should take it either before or concurrent with your first TA assignment).

More importantly, this class serves as a source of education into the practice and theory of educating others in learning computer science -- something at the core of academic practice. We strive to prepare you to engage the best practices in educating not only undergraduate students here at UCSD, but also to help you develop successful practices in managing advisees and in teaching or managing others in your future career.


If you are enrolled in this class for credit, then attendance is mandatory. If you expect to miss a class, please contact the instructor as soon as possible with your conflict so that we can work out an alternate activity. Additionally, enrolled students are expected to perform the (usually small) amount of outside preparation as detailed in each class period.

Class meets Wednesdays 3-4pm in CSE 1202.

Get slides at http://up.ucsd.edu. Create a login. Enroll in the class. Password to enroll is cse599 (lowercase).

Date Topic of Discussion
Sept 27 Introduction, Why this class?, Identification of interests, Basic TA responsibilities and guidelines
October 4 Discussion sections: Featuring a panel of distinguished TA discussion section leaders.

Please read the following article on constructivism in science classrooms before class. We'll use a discussion of this article to start our discussion of how to run a discussion section. Bring questions, comments, or opinions.

October 11 Assessment and grading: Overview of theory, practical issues in CS, building a resource

Summaries of assessment papers.

October 18 Grading tools and tips, academic integrity (featuring Rick Ord and Dean Tullsen)

Review of rubric evaluation of exam questions.

Rick Ord's slides on grading tools.

October 25 How People Learn. Materials on UP.

Summary from group discussion here

Book discussed in class. How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience and School. John Bransford, Editor. Available free on line.

November 1 Learning Styles: Barbara Sawrey, Chemistry Dept., UCSD Slides
November 8 Presentation Skills: Meet in 1202 to break up into teams for mini-practice sessions. Bring a whiteboard marker!
November 15 Capes, discussion section evaluation handout
