CSE 141 -- Introduction to Computer
Fall 2006, Instructor: Dean Tullsen
Here is the hint sheet I will append to the test.
This week's discussion section rescheduled to Wednesday, 12-12:50 in WLH 2111.
Leo's review session will be on Sunday 12/3/06 from 1-2:20pm in WLH 2205.
Leo's office ours moved from F 2:30-3:30 to Su 2:30-3:30.
Prof Tullsen's final review session M 4-5 in CSE 1202.
Prof. Tullsen's office hours Dec 4 moved to 10:30-11:30 (and possibly after the review session, as well).
Related Web Pages:
141L web page)
Assignments and Reading/Exam Schedule
Basic Course Information:
Instructor: Dean
- CSE 3216
- tullsen at cs dot ucsd dot edu
office hours: M 3:30-4:30, W 10-11, Th 3:30-4:30
TA: Leo Porter
office hours: M 9-11, F 2:30-3:30 (starting Oct 2)
room: CSE B225
leporter at ucsd dot edu
TA: Bruce Carneal
office hours: TuTh 11-12
room: CSE B260
bcarneal at cs dot ucsd dot com
Meeting times and places
- Lecture: Center 212, TuTh 2-3:20
- discussion:
HSS 1330, F 12-12:50
Course textbook
Patterson & Hennessy, "Computer Organization
and Design -- The Hardware/Software Interface", Morgan Kaufmann, Third
Other recommended reading
Shen, Lipasti, "Modern Processor Design", McGraw
an alternate perspective on same material
Hennesy & Patterson, "Computer Architecture:
A Quantitative Approach", 3rd edition, Morgan Kaufmann
a more advanced treatment of many of the same topics
in the textbook, as well as a lot more breadth.
WWW Computer
Architecture Home Page
a comprehensive guide to research and general information
on computer architecture available on the web.
Organization and Design, the website
- You will always have at least a week to do homework assignments.
When seeking help from instructor and TAs, avoid the crowds and come early.
Office hours are crowded and less effective the day before an assignment
is due.
- Homework assignments should be typed.
Once it is set up, the class mailing list will be
used by the instructor and the TAs for announcements, updates on homework
assignments, etc. All students
will be held responsible for announcements and information that go out
over the class mailing list. Make sure you are on it.
Go here
to subscribe to the list.
I will lecture using video projection, and
will try to make copies of selected slides available to you before class
online in pdf format. The slides will not be complete,
but will make a nice start to your own notetaking.
In general, look for them early the morning of class.
Course Outline:
I. Instruction Set Architecture
II. Computer System Performance and Performance
III. Computer Arithmetic and Number Systems
IV. CPU Architecture
V. The Memory/Cache Hierarchy
VI. Pipelining
VII. Superscalars
VIII. Parallel Machines
Grading Information:
The grade for 141 will be based on homeworks, one
midterm, and a final, as follows:
homeworks: 20%
midterm: 30%
final: 50%
subjective influences like class participation will
have an impact in the margins -- it does pay to let the professor know
who you are!
The final will be inclusive of all course material.
Late assignments are not encouraged. You will have
two grace days during the quarter. I.e., you can turn one assignment in
two days late, or two assignments in one day late. I recommend not spending
those days frivolously early in the quarter. After you have spent your
grace days, late assignments will be accepted, but with no guarantees that
they will be graded, and with significant penalties if they are. We will
make every effort to return assignments to you in a timely manner -- limiting
your ability to turn things in late is, unfortunately, critical to that
goal. Anytime after the end of class counts as a day late.
The second day begins 24 hours later. The weekend counts as a single
day. Thus, something turned in Monday (before 9 a.m.!) that was due
Thursday is two days late.
You have the right of appeal for grading on all tests;
however, an appeal (except for scoring errors) covers the entire test,
and may result in an unfavorable judgment on another problem. You have
one week from the time the midterms are returned to make appeals, including
addition errors on your score. Check it over carefully when you get it.
All appeals must be made in writing and given to the instructor.
There is no appeal on homeworks, except for addition
errors. No single problem will have a significant impact on your grade.
Cheating WILL be taken seriously. It is not fair
to honest students to take cheating lightly, nor is it fair to the cheater
to let him/her go on thinking that is a reasonable alternative in life.
Don't test me on this one.
The following is not considered cheating:
- discussing homework in groups (with the writeup
done separately, later).
The following is:
- discussing homework with someone who has already
completed the problem, or looking at their completed write-up.
- using textbook hw solutions from the web, previous versions of the class, or
anywhere else.
- Receiving, providing, or soliciting assistance
from another student during a test.
- Homework is not intended to be a grade-maker, but
to prepare you for the tests, which are the grade-makers. Cheating on the
homeworks is just stupid.
- Penalties -- anyone copying information or having
information copied during a test will receive an F for the class and will
not be allowed to drop. They will be reported to their college dean.
If you can prove non-cooperative copying took place, your grade may be
restored, but you must prove it to the dean -- I don't want to be involved.
Anyone caught cheating on the homework will not be allowed to turn in further
homework. Your grade will be based exclusively on the tests (with
a suitable penalty applied) -- it will be roughly 60% final, 35% midterm, 5% homework (zero).