CSE 91: Introduction to Computer Science

M 5-6.20 in Center 101

Sanjoy Dasgupta
Office hours Wed 3-5 in AP&M 4848
Email: dasgupta@cs.ucsd.edu


[1] September 27: Introduction and welcome from dean's office

[2] October 4: Algorithms

[3] October 11: Models of computation

[4] October 18: Artificial intelligence

[5] October 25: Ian Lerner, CEO of XDigital Systems

[6] November 1: Prof. Beth Simon, on ethics

[7] November 8: Profs. Mohan Paturi (department chair) and Paul Kube (vice-chair, undergrad affairs)
A problem to try your hand at

[8] November 15: Prof. Serge Belongie, on computer vision and the Smart Vivarium

[9] November 22: Prof. Geoff Voelker, on internet epidemiology

[10] November 29: Social
*** Different location: Price Center, Ballroom A ***

Related materials

The mind-reading game (due to Yoav Freund and Robert Schapire), compiled for Linux.
Let me know if you fool it more than 40% of the time.
Administrative details

This class is a requirement for freshmen, but not for transfer students. It will be offered again in the winter quarter.

Grades will be pass/fail, and based upon homeworks and in-class assignments.