CSE 111 - Object Oriented Software Design


  • 12/3/04 The final exam will be held next Thursday, 12/9, from 7-9pm. Dr. Howden will have his office hours next week during the regularly scheduled time. Chris will be available over e-mail to answer any questions as well.
  • 11/30/04 Chris is sick and won't be able to make it to his office hours today. Please send him an e-mail if you have any questions, or if you'd like to schedule an appointment to meet tomorrow.
  • 11/24/04 We've been getting a lot of questions about phase 2 of the project, so here are some clarifications:
    1. For final project you will need updated interaction sequence diagrams, collaboration diagrams for new functionality, in addition to new models such as statecharts for the gui screen design
    2. For the data base part, you are basically redoing your phase 1 files/vectors style database, but by first creating a framework like the one in class, and then using the framework to create the data base classes.
  • 11/22/04 Chris will be holding his office hours from 12:00 - 1:00 tomorrow instead of the usual time (11:00-12:00).
  • 11/02/04: The lecture for Tuesday next week (lecture 14) is being moved up one day to Monday 11/8 during the regular discussion time. So there will be no lecture on Tuesday, 11/9. It will be held instead on Monday, 11/8 from 4-4:50 pm (same room).
  • 10/22/04: The due date for phase 1 of the project has been extended until Tuesday, 11/2/04.
  • 10/12/04: The complete lecture schedule and project phase 2 descriptions have been posted to the web page. See the lectures and project pages.
  • 10/5/04: Chris will not be having office hours this Friday (10/8). He will be available after class on Tues and Thurs if you need to talk with him.
  • 9/23/04: There will be no discussion section on Mondays (contrary to what's posted on StudentLink). We may use this time for exam reviews or additional project help later in the quarter.

Course Information

The class meets Tues/Thurs 6:30pm - 7:50pm in HSS 1330

Instructor: Bill Howden
Office: 5202 AP&M
Email: howden AT cs.ucsd.edu
Office Hours: Tues & Thurs 3:00pm - 4:30pm

TA: Chris Schulte
Office: 6307 EBU-I
Email: cschulte AT cs.ucsd.edu
Office Hours: Tues 11:00am - 12:00pm, Fri 12:00pm - 1:45pm

Book: Applying UML and Patterns, Second Edition, by Craig Larman

The course consists of two exams and a project, graded as follows:

  • Midterm: 30%
  • Final: 40%
  • Project: 30%