CSE 105: Introduction to the Theory of
University of California, San Diego
Fall 2004
Main course
Schedule (includes PDFs of lecture notes)
Notes (for in-class viewing)
Course Information
Dr. Sara Miner More
Email: more@cs (Please
include 'cse105' somewhere in the subject line of your message)
Office location: AP&M 4101
Office hours: M 1-2p, Tu 1-2p, Th 11a-12n, and by appointment
Konstantinos (Kostas) Bimpikis
Office hours:
W 3-4:30p and Th 2-3:30p. Location: EBU-1 6307
Hyun Min Kang
Office hours: F 10a-12p.
Location: EBU-1 6307A
Andrew (Drew) Terry
Office hours: M 3:30-5p and Tu
2:30-4p. (Note new Tu time effective 10/26.) Location: EBU-1 6307B
Course Meetings:
Lectures - Tu Th 9:30-10:50a in Center
Hall 214
Sections - F 2-2:50 in HSS 1330
- Course Description:
An introduction to the mathematical theory of computability.
Formal languages. Finite automata and regular expressions.
Pushdown automata and context-free languages. Computable or
recursive functions. Turing machines, the halting problem.
Undecidability. (4 units)
- Course Objectives:
This course gives a precise definition of the notion of an
algorithm as well as developing a theory of automata and formal
languages. The course stresses the understanding of the basic
concepts and constructions. An additional emphasis is the writing
of clear, logical arguments in a mathematically rigorous way.
- Prerequisites:
(CSE 12 and CSE 21) or Math 15B or Math 100A or
consent of instructor.
Majors only. Credit not offered for
both Math 166 and CSE 105.
- Course schedule:
Please see the
schedule web page for a tentative list of topics that will be
covered and the assigned readings for each day. You are expected
to read the assigned sections of the text prior to the lecture that will
cover it. Lecture slides and handouts will
be posted here as well. I will attempt to post the lecture slides
prior to each lecture.
- Practice problems: Practice
problem sets will be posted on the
problem sets web page periodically. You are encouraged to work
through the problems as we cover the corresponding material in the text
(i.e., don't wait until the day before an exam to
begin!), and to write down your solutions in the same
manner as you would write them on an exam. Solutions to each
problem set will be posted, and you should always compare your solution
to the one provided. Try to resist the temptation to read the
solutions without working the problems first - it is much easier to read
someone else's solution and try to understand it than to come up with
the solution on your own.
- Course discussion board:
Announcements relevant to the course will be posted
on the Webboard
by course staff. In addition, students are encouraged to use the
board to initiate and participate in discussions about course material.
I prefer that students use the Webboard (rather than individual e-mail)
for questions of a general nature, so that everyone in the course can
benefit from the resulting discussion. Each student is expected to
check the Webboard frequently and will be responsible for material
posted there. Finally, the Webboard is provided to encourage
dialogue between students and course staff on topics relevant to CSE
105 only. The course staff reserves the right to remove postings
which are deemed inappropriate for this forum.
Thu 09/23 - Note: ACS informed me today that the
initial Webboard password for students who have OCE logins will be your
usual computing password (i.e., the one you use for email). This
is contrary to what I announced in class this morning - your student ID
number will not be your password! If you are auditing the course,
or have enrolled via concurrent enrollment, please come by my office or
see me after class on Tuesday. I'll give you a slip which you will
need to take to ACS so that an account can be established for you.
- Grading: Your
grade in this course will be based on three midterm exams (worth 20%
each), and a final exam (worth 40%). All exams are closed book,
closed notes, and do not require a blue book.
The dates of the exams are listed on the
web page. As of the first day of class, the dates listed there are fixed, and there will be
no makeups except in the case of documented emergency
Your solutions will be graded not only on correctness, but also on
presentation. An important part of this course is proving
statements by writing clear, rigorous mathematical arguments. It
is your responsibility to write solutions which a reader/grader can
follow immediately.
Grades in this course will not be assigned on a curve.
Your grade will be based upon your own performance. If everyone
does well, everyone will get an A. Letter grades will be based
roughly on the following percentage scale: A+ range: 100-96, A range:
95-91, A- range: 90-88, B+ range: 87-85, B range: 84-81, B- range: 80-78, C+ range: 77-75, C range: 74-71,
C- range: 70-68, D range: 67-61,
D- range: 60-58, F range: below 58.
- Academic honesty: During
an exam in this course, a student may not access outside written
material or communicate in any way with anyone other than an exam proctor. A
student may not alter a graded exam and then submit it for re-grading.
Each of these actions constitute cheating and are grounds for failing
the course (F grade). By enrolling in this course, you implicitly
agree to abide by the complete UCSD Policy on Integrity of Scholarship
found in the University's
Academic Regulations.
If you have any questions or concerns about academic integrity issues,
please see Dr. More.
- Noteworthy dates:
Last day to drop fall '04 courses without a
'W' or to change grading option: October 22nd.
Last day to withdraw from a Fall '04 course (you will receive a 'W'
grade if after Oct. 22): November 29th.