Foundations of Genetic Algorithms

Univ. San Diego, 2-5 August 1996

Published by Morgan Kaufmann, © 1997

(ISBN 1-55860-460-X)

Richard K. Belew, Michael Vose, Editors

The fourth Foundations of Genetic Algorithms workshop (FOGA) was held August 2-5, 1996, at the University of San Diego. These workshops have been held biennially, starting in 1990. In keeping with past tradition, the papers in this proceedings are longer than typical conference papers, and were subjected to two rounds of reviewing to improve clarity. The resulting volume is now available from Morgan Kaufmann.

This "soft" version of the proceedings includes an introduction and overview to the papers, with links to the papers' abstracts. Also included are a (slighly obsolete) table contents and the schedule of our meeting in August, 1996. Finally, author-assigned index terms have been compiled; these also are linked back to the papers' abstracts.

Last changed 1 Apr 97, Rik Belew