While the projects below are mostly wrapped up, they give you a flavor for the kind of research I'm interested in.
Emily First (Postdoc)
Brian Hempel (Postdoc)
Andrew Cheung (Ph. D. student, started 2024)
Raven Rothkopf (Ph. D. student, started 2024)
Saketh Kasibatla (Ph. D. student, started 2023)
Ilana Shapiro (Ph. D. student, started 2023)
Kyle Thompson (Ph. D. student, started 2023)
Ruanqianqian (Lisa) Huang (Ph. D. student, started 2020)
Yousef Alhessi (Ph. D. student, started 2018)
Kasra Ferdowsi (Ph. D. 2024)
Alex Sanchez-Stern (Ph. D. 2021)
John Sarracino (Ph. D. 2021)
Valentin Robert (Ph. D. 2018) →
Dimitar Bounov (Ph. D. 2018) → ConsenSys
Alan Leung
(Ph. D. 2017) → Microsoft
Daniel Ricketts
(Ph. D. 2017) → Oracle
Stephen Foster
(Ph. D. 2015, co-advised with Bill Griswold)
→ CEO of ThoughtStem
Samantha Wood (M. S. 2015, co-advised with Bill Griswold)
Zachary Tatlock
(Ph. D. 2014) → Assistant Professor at University of Washington
Dongseok Jang
(Ph. D. 2014) → Google
Ross Tate
(Ph. D. 2012) → Assistant Professor at Cornell
Mike Stepp
(Ph. D. 2011) → Google
Jeffrey A. Meister
(M.S. 2011, co-advised with Ranjit Jhala) →
Sudipta Kundu
(Ph. D. 2009, co-advised with Rajesh Gupta) →
Macneil Shonle
(Ph. D. 2009, co-advised with Bill Griswold) →
The University of Texas at San Antonio, then Google
Jan Wen Voung
(Ph. D. 2009, co-advised with Ranjit Jhala) →
Data-Driven Lemma Synthesis for Interactive Proofs (OOPSLA 2022)
with Aishwarya Sivaraman, Alex Sanchez-Stern, Bretton Chen, Todd Millstein.
Investigating the Impact of Using a Live Programming Environment in a CS1 Course (SIGCSE 2022)
with Ruanqianqian (Lisa) Huang, Kasra Ferdowsifard, Ana Selvaraj, and Adalbert Gerald Soosai Raj.
LooPy: Interactive Program Synthesis with Control Structures (OOPSLA 2021)
with Kasra Ferdowsifard, Shraddha Barke, Hila Peleg and Nadia Polikarpova.
Synthesis of Web Layouts from Examples (FSE 2021)
with John Sarracino, Dylan Lukes, Cora Coleman, Hila Peleg, and Nadia Polikarpova.
Scooter & Sidecar: A Domain-Specific Approach to Writing Secure Database Migrations (PLDI 2021)
with John Renner, Alex Sanchez-Stern, Fraser Brown, and Deian Stefan.
Доверя́й, но проверя́й: SFI safety for native-compiled Wasm (NDSS 2021)
with Evan Johnson, David Thien, Yousef Alhessi, Shravan Narayan, Fraser Brown, Tyler McMullen, Stefan Savage, and Deian Stefan.
A Computational Stack for Cross-Domain Acceleration (HPCA 2021)
with Sean Kinzer, Joon Kyung Kim, Soroush Ghodrati, Brahmendra Yatham, Alric Althoff, Divya Mahajan, and Hadi Esmailzadeh
Focused Live Programming with Loop Seeds (UIST 2020)
Sorin Lerner.
Gamification to Aid the Learning of Test Coverage Concepts (Conference on Software Engineering Education & Training 2020)
with Eman Sherif, Andy Liu, Brian Nguyen and William G. Griswold.
Small-Step Live Programming by Example (UIST 2020)
with Kasra Ferdowsifard, Allen Ordookhanians, Hila Peleg and Nadia Polikarpova.
Retrofitting Fine Grain Isolation in the Firefox Renderer (USENIX Security 2020)
with Shravan Narayan, Craig Disselkoen, Tal Garfinkel, Nathan Froyd, Eric Rahm, Hovav
Shacham, and Deian Stefan
[arXiv |
Site |
Press release |
Mozilla Blog Post
Towards a verified range analysis for JavaScript JITs (PLDI 2020)
with Fraser Brown, John Renner, Andres Nöetzli, Hovav Shacham, and Deian Stefan.
Generating Correctness Proofs with Neural Networks (MAPL
with Alex Sanchez-Stern, Yousef Alhessi, and Lawrence Saul.
Projection Boxes: On-the-fly Reconfigurable Visualization
for Live Programming (CHI 2020)
Sorin Lerner.
REPLica: REPL Instrumentation for Coq Analysis (CPP 2020)
with Talia Ringer, Alex Sanchez-Stern, and Dan Grossman.
Finding Root Causes of Floating Point Error (PLDI 2018)
with Alex Sanchez-Stern, Pavel Panchekha, and Zachary Tatlock.
Inferring Loop Invariants through Gamification (CHI 2018)
with Dimitar Bounov, Anthony DeRossi, Massimiliano Menarini, and William G. Griswold.
Safety verification using barrier certificates with application to double
integrator with input saturation and zero-order hold (American Control Conference 2018)
with A. Ghaffari, I. Abel, D. Ricketts, and M. Krstic.
Dead Store Elimination (Still) Considered Harmful (USENIX
Security 2017)
with Z. Yang, B. Johannesmeyer, A. T. Olesen, and K. Levchenko.
Parsimony: An IDE for Example-Guided Synthesis of Lexers and
Parsers (ASE 2017)
with Alan Leung.
User-Guided Synthesis of Interactive Diagrams (CHI 2017)
with John Sarracino, Odaris Barrios-Arciga, Jasmine Zhu, Noah Marcus, and Ben
Modular Deductive Verification of Sampled-Data Systems (EMSOFT 2016)
with Daniel Ricketts and Gregory Malecha.
[Veridrone Project]
Towards Foundational Verification of Cyber-physical Systems (SoSCYPS
with Gregory Malecha, Daniel Ricketts and Mario M. Alvarez.
Protecting C++ Dynamic Dispatch Through VTable Interleaving (NDSS
with Dimitar Bounov and Rami Gökhan Kici.
Formal Verification of Stability
Properties of Cyber-physical Systems (CoqPL
with Matthew Chan, Daniel Ricketts, and Gregory Malecha.
[Veridrone Project]
Printing Floating-Point Numbers: An Always Correct Method
(POPL 2016)
with Marc Andrysco and Ranjit Jhala.
Towards Verification of Hybrid
Systems in a Foundational Proof Assistant (MEMOCODE
with Daniel Ricketts, Gregory Malecha, Mario Alvarez, and Vignesh Gowda.
[Veridrone Project, Talk]
C-To-Verilog Translation Validation (MEMOCODE 2015)
with Alan Leung and Dimitar Bounov.
Seamless Integration of Coding and Gameplay: Writing Code Without
Knowing it (FDG 2015)
with Stephen R. Foster and William G. Griswold.
Interactive Parser Synthesis by Example (PLDI 2015)
with Alan Leung and John Sarracino.
On Subnormal Floating Point and Abnormal Timing (Oakland 2015)
with Marc Andrysco, David Kohlbrenner, Keaton Mowery, Ranjit Jhala, and Hovav
Polymorphic Blocks: Formalism-Inspired UI for Structured
Connectors (CHI 2015)
with Stephen R. Foster and William G. Griswold.
Automating Formal Proofs for Reactive Systems
(PLDI 2014)
with Daniel Ricketts, Valentin Robert, Dongseok Jang and Zachary Tatlock
[Project web site for Reflex, including
videos of what we built, video of PLDI talk, source code, and working VM image ]
SafeDispatch: Securing C++ Virtual Calls from Memory Corruption Attacks
(NDSS 2014)
with Dongseok Jang and Zachary Tatlock
Establishing Browser Security Guarantees through Formal
Shim Verification (USENIX Security 2012)
with Dongseok Jang and Zachary Tatlock
[Project web site for Quark browser,
including videos of the browser, source code, and working VM image]
Verifying GPU Kernels By Test
Amplification (PLDI 2012)
with Alan Leung, Manish Gupta, Yuvraj Agarwal, Rajesh Gupta and Ranjit Jhala
WitchDoctor: IDE support for real-time auto-completion of
refactorings (ICSE 2012)
with Stephen R. Foster and William G. Griswold
Equality-Based Translation Validator for LLVM (CAV 2011)
with Michael Stepp and Ross Tate
Taming Wildcards in Java's Type System (PLDI 2011)
with Ross Tate and Alan Leung
Latent Variable Models for Predicting
File Dependencies in Large-Scale Software Development (NIPS 2010)
with Diane Hu, Laurens van der Maaten, Youngmin
Cho, and Lawrence K. Saul
An Empirical Study of
Privacy-Violating Information Flows in JavaScript Web Applications
(CCS 2010)
with Dongseok Jang, Ranjit Jhala, and Hovav Shacham
Bringing Extensibility to
Verified Compilers (PLDI 2010)
with Zachary Tatlock
Generating Compiler Optimizations from Proofs (POPL 2010)
with Ross Tate, and Michael Stepp
Proving Optimizations Correct using Parameterized Program
Equivalence (PLDI 2009)
with Sudipta Kundu, and Zachary Tatlock
Staged Information Flow for
JavaScript (PLDI 2009)
with Ravi Chugh, Jeffrey A. Meister, and Ranjit Jhala
Equality Saturation: a New Approach to Optimization (POPL 2009)
with Ross Tate, Michael Stepp, and Zachary Tatlock
Addressing Common Crosscutting Problems with Arcum (PASTE 2008)
with Macneil Shonle and William G. Griswold
When Refactoring Acts like Modularity:
Keeping Options Open with Persistent Condition Checking
(WRT 2008)
with Macneil Shonle and William G. Griswold
Deep Typechecking and Refactoring
(OOPSLA 2008)
with Zachary Tatlock,
Chris Tucker, David Shuffelton, and Ranjit Jhala
Validating High Level Synthesis
(CAV 2008)
with Sudipta Kundu and Rajesh Gupta
Dataflow Analysis for Concurrent
Programs using Datarace Detection (PLDI 2008)
with Ravi Chugh, Jan Voung, and Ranjit Jhala
Automated Refinement Checking of
Concurrent Systems (ICCAD 2007)
with Sudipta Kundu and Rajesh Gupta
Beyond Refactoring: A Framework for Modular
Maintenance of Crosscutting Design Idioms (ESEC/FSE 2007)
with Macneil Shonle and William G. Griswold
RELAY: Static Race Detection on Millions of Lines of Code (ESEC/FSE
with Jan Voung and Ranjit Jhala
Automatic Inference of Optimizer Flow Functions from Semantic
Meanings (PLDI 2007)
with Erika Rice Scherpelz and Craig Chambers
OPIUM: Optimal Package Install/Uninstall Management (ICSE 2007)
with Chris Tucker, David Shuffelton, and Ranjit
Our OPIUM work is being incorporated into Eclipse
[ announcement
annoucement 2
more details ]
Automatically Proving the Correctness of Program Analyses and
Transformations (PhD dissertation, 2006)
University of Washington
Automatically Inferring Sound Dataflow Functions from Dataflow Fact
Schemas (COCV 2005)
with Erika Rice and Craig Chambers
Automated Soundness Proofs for Dataflow Analyses and Transformations via
Local Rules (POPL 2005)
with Todd Millstein, Erika Rice, and Craig
[ Slides | Tech Report ]
Automatically Proving the Correctness of Compiler Optimizations
(PLDI 2003, Best Paper Award)
with Todd Millstein, and Craig Chambers
[ Slides |
Tech Report ]
Speeding Up Dataflow Analysis Using Flow-Insensitive Pointer
Analysis (SAS 2002)
with Stephen Adams, Thomas Ball, Manuvir Das,
Sriram K. Rajamani, Mark Seigle, and Westley Weimer
ESP: Path-Sensitive Program Verification in Polynomial Time
(PLDI 2002)
with Manuvir Das and Mark Seigle
Combining Dataflow Analyses and Transformations (POPL 2002)
with David Grove and Craig Chambers
[ Slides |
Tech Report ]