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- Joseph Goguen
- Professor, Dept. of Computer Science
& Engineering
- Director, Meaning and Computation Lab
- Member, Laboratory for Comparative
Human Cognition
- Member, Interdisciplinary PhD
Program of the Cognitive Science Dept.
- Editor in Chief, Journal of
Consciousness Studies
- Advisory board, Center for
Computing & the Arts
- Member, Calif. Inst. for Telecom. &
Infom. Technology
- Mailing Address:
- Dept. of Computer Science and
- Jacobs School of Engineering,
University of California at San Diego
- 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093-0404, USA.
- Telephones:
- Direct: +1 (858) 534-4197
- Department: +1 (858) 534-1246; Fax: +1 (858) 534-7029
- Office Location: 3234 Computer Science & Engineering Bldg. (also
known as "EBU3b").
- Note: This is a new building in a new location! Map and directions for
the new building.
- Email: goguen-at-cs-dot-ucsd-dot-edu
Information about
Festshrift in my honor, 27-29 June 2006.
- Other information:
- Research
- Publications
- Courses
- Software systems
- Biographical information
- Research Interests:
- Information integration, ontologies,
database semantics, schema mapping
- Software engineering, including specification, architecture,
requirements, validation
- User interface design, information
visualization, new media (see also CSE
- Social & ethical aspects of science &
technology, esp IT (see CSE 175)
- Formal methods, especially hidden
algebra and theorem proving
- Object, relational and functional programming, and their combinations
(see CSE 230).
- Top Tourist Attractions on this Site:
- What's New - lists most recent (and some not so
recent) work
- Information integration, ontologies,
database semantics, schema mapping
Language Family, Tatami homepages; proof
websites generated by Kumo
- Algebraic Semiotics and "world famous" award
winning UC San Diego Semiotic Zoo
- Arts and Music, including Multimedia Narrative.
- Hidden Algebra (key resource award in
formal methods)
- CSE 271 and CSE
171: User Interface Design: Social and Technical Issues
- CSE 175, Social & Ethical Issues in
Information Technology
- Principles of Programming Languages courses, CSE 130 and CSE
- Journal of Consciousness
Studies (key resource award)
- Ryoko Amadee Goguen homepage
Last modified: Fri May 26 18:32:52 PDT 2006