Garrison W. Cottrell
Unbelievable Research Unit (very out of date!)
Computer Science & Engineering
Department 0404
University of
California, San Diego
La Jolla, CA 92093-0404
E-mail: gary
at-sign ucsd dot edu
My schedule (Be sure to
use the week view to see the length of meetings)
My Google Scholar Page
Post-docs, Grad students, summer interns, etc.:
I am NOT
taking any new trainees at this time.
For advice on grad
school, please read
For advice on women in tech, see this!
4130 CSE Building
Phone: (858) 534-6640
Faculty Assistant: Alice Carr
Email: apcarr you-know-what
Phone: (858) 534-5151
I direct the Interdisciplinary
Ph.D. Program (IDP) in Cognitive Science.
...and I direct(ed) the
Dynamics of Learning Center.
Before emailing me
about the IDP, please read
this presentation on
it that I wrote for incoming Neuroscience grads.
Program Graduate Coordinator:
Phone: 858-534-7141
I am a Professor in the Computer Science &
Engineering Department at UCSD. This means I can now go barefoot and there is
nothing they can do about it! I am a member of the AI Group
at UCSD. My
research group, Gary's
Unbelievable Research Unit, publishes unbelievable research. Our research is
strongly interdisciplinary. It concerns using neural networks and
other computational models applied to problems in cognitive
science and artificial intelligence, engineering and biology. I
have had success using them for such disparate tasks as modeling
how children acquire words, studying how lobsters chew, and
nonlinear data compression. Most recently I have worked on face
and object recognition, visual salience and visual
attention, and modeling early visual cortex.