CSE 141L Lab Assignments

Winter 2003, Instructor: Dean Tullsen

Lab Assignments:

Lab 1:  8-bit Instruction Set Architecture.
Lab 2:  8-bit CPU Internals.  Here are the schematic and timing diagram referenced by the lab description.
Lab 3:  8-bit CPU.  Here is some help with creating memories.
Lab 4:  Branch predictor simulation.  Here is a little primer on the branch predictors you'll be simulating.

(contents of the email sent regarding electronic turnin of the lab 4 code):

Hi everyone,

I hope your lab 4's are going well.  Here are the instructions for electronic turnin, thanks to Walter for setting it up.

But first, a couple reminders.  The most important thing you turn in is the written reports, which include a hard copy of your code.  You will also turn in an electronic copy of your programs, so we can validate, double-check things that are questionable, and use automatic tools to detect non-original code (please don't copy code -- you probably will be caught, and it is such a hassle for me to deal with campus discipline bureaucracy!).  Even if your code runs on non-unix machines, you will move the files back to the lab unix machines and turn them in.

You will turn in all code files, and a README.  If there is anything nonstandard about building your code (ie, something more than a single .c file), then give us clear, explicit instructions as to how to build and run the program in the README.  Or include a good makefile.

The actual instructions to turn it in, then, are simple.  You must be on ieng9 or a uape machine.  Then do:

> tar -cvf lab4.tar file1 file2 file3 ...

> turnin  -c cs141w lab4.tar

That's it.  Your files should be turned in about the same time you turn in the paper copy of the lab.  For those turning it in on time, any time Friday is okay.  For those turning it in on Monday, you must do the electronic turnin !!before midnight Sunday!!.  After that, I think the turnin program is set to no longer receive files.  If this creates an undue burden for someone, we can probably change it, but it'll be nice if we don't have to.

Good luck!


If you have comments or suggestions, email me at tullsen@cs.ucsd.edu