CSE 140L Spring 2004
Instructor: CK Cheng, kuan+140L@cs.ucsd.edu, 858 534-6184, AP&M 4256

Objective of this course is to introduce digital components & provide hands-on experiences in building digital circuits using computer aided design (CAD) software. Xilinx ISE 4.2i and 6.2i program are the primary software tools. For ISE 6.2i, please check Xilinx ISE 6 Tutorial

Course Schedule:

  • Lecture: T 2-320PM, Centr 105
  • Discussion: Th 2-320PM, Centr 105
  • Final

    Office Hours:

  • TW 330-4PM
  • TAs of CSE140L

    • Ajay Baharaj ajayb@cs
    • Chris Roedel croedel@cs


    • Michael Chang mlchang@ucsd
    • Horace Ko hhko@ucsd
    • Ashu Maharaj amaharaj@ucsd

    WebBoard for CSE140L

    Labs: AP&M2444, EBU 315

    • Status of the Lab: Xilinx ISE 4.2i has not been installed yet. CK is working on it. The key persons are Tony Doan csehelp@cs and ACS MICROS group micros@ucsd

    Lab Hours in AP&M2444:

    • M: 12:30-2PM Horace
    • M: 2:30-4:30PM Chris
    • M: 3:30-5PM Michael
    • T: 10-10:50 Ashu
    • T: 1-2PM, 3:30-5PM Michael
    • W: 12:30-2:30PM Horace
    • W: 1:45-4:45PM Michael
    • W: 4:30-5:30 Ashu
    • Th: 11:30-12:30PM Horace
    • Th 3:30-5:30PM Ajay
    • Th: 5-7 Ashu
    • F: 1:30-4PM Horace
    • F: 3-350PM, 5-7PM Ashu


    • There will be 4 labs (computer simulations & report write-up). 
    • Work in a group of two. One report per group. 
    • lab 1 - combinational circuit design: ripple adder, subtractor, and mux. 
    • lab 2 - specification and usage of flip-flops. 
    • lab 3 - finite state machine. 
    • lab 4 - System Design using Datapath and Control Subsystems. 

    Lab notes


    Turnin Procedure

    1. Create your lab report using Microsoft Word. Make sure you paste your screenshots directly into the document (not as links) so that you don't have to supply additional files.
    2. After it is done and to your liking, transfer it over to you OCE account (ftp, email, etc...) so that you can see it when you log into your cs140s***@ieng9 account.
    3. SSH into your account and cd to the appropriate directory where you file resides.
    4. Type the following command at the prompt:
      • bash% turnin -c cs140s -p L# filename
        • # - is the appropriate lab number (1,2,3 or 4)
        • filename is the name of the word document (something like: lab1writeup.doc)
    5. It will tell you if it successfully accepted the files. Make sure the size is an appropriate number.
    6. You can turn in as many times as you would like before the due date.
    • EMAIL Chris (croedel@cs) if you have any questions about this.