CSE 140L Spring 2004 |
Instructor: |
CK Cheng, kuan+140L@cs.ucsd.edu, 858 534-6184, AP&M 4256 |
Objective of this course is to introduce digital components & provide hands-on experiences in building digital circuits using computer aided design (CAD) software. Xilinx ISE 4.2i and 6.2i program are the primary software tools. For ISE 6.2i, please check Xilinx ISE 6 Tutorial.
Course Schedule:
Lecture: T 2-320PM, Centr 105
Discussion: Th 2-320PM, Centr 105
Office Hours:
TW 330-4PM
TAs of CSE140L
- Ajay Baharaj ajayb@cs
- Chris Roedel croedel@cs
- Michael Chang mlchang@ucsd
- Horace Ko hhko@ucsd
- Ashu Maharaj amaharaj@ucsd
WebBoard for CSE140L
Labs: AP&M2444, EBU 315
- Status of the Lab: Xilinx ISE 4.2i has not been installed yet. CK is working on it. The key persons are Tony Doan csehelp@cs and ACS MICROS group micros@ucsd
Lab Hours in AP&M2444:
- M: 12:30-2PM Horace
- M: 2:30-4:30PM Chris
- M: 3:30-5PM Michael
- T: 10-10:50 Ashu
- T: 1-2PM, 3:30-5PM Michael
- W: 12:30-2:30PM Horace
- W: 1:45-4:45PM Michael
- W: 4:30-5:30 Ashu
- Th: 11:30-12:30PM Horace
- Th 3:30-5:30PM Ajay
- Th: 5-7 Ashu
- F: 1:30-4PM Horace
- F: 3-350PM, 5-7PM Ashu
- There will be 4 labs (computer simulations & report write-up).
- Work in a group of two. One report per group.
- lab 1 - combinational circuit design: ripple adder, subtractor, and mux.
- lab 2 - specification and usage of flip-flops.
- lab 3 - finite state machine.
- lab 4 - System Design using Datapath and Control Subsystems.
Lab notes
Turnin Procedure
- Create your lab report using Microsoft Word. Make sure you paste your screenshots directly into the document (not as links) so that you don't have to supply additional files.
- After it is done and to your liking, transfer it over to you OCE account (ftp, email, etc...) so that you can see it when you log into your cs140s***@ieng9 account.
- SSH into your account and cd to the appropriate directory where you file resides.
- Type the following command at the prompt:
- bash% turnin -c cs140s -p L# filename
- # - is the appropriate lab number (1,2,3 or 4)
- filename is the name of the word document (something like: lab1writeup.doc)
- It will tell you if it successfully accepted the files. Make sure the size is an appropriate number.
- You can turn in as many times as you would like before the due date.
- EMAIL Chris (croedel@cs) if you have any questions about this.