CSE 101, Design and Analysis of Algorithms ,Spring,
CSE 101, Design and Analysis of Algorithms , Spring, 2004
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of California, San Diego
La Jolla, CA 92093-0114
Office: 4111 Applied Physics and Mathematics Building (APM)
Phone: (858) 534-1332; Fax: (858) 534-7029;
Email: russell@cs.ucsd.edu
Russell's 101 Office Hours: NOTE CHANGE!!!!
This supercedes the class description.
M 2-4, Wed. 3-5, 4111 AP&M or
4882 AP&M. (If more than 3 students attend, I will move office hours
to 4882 AP&M, at the far end of the annex, across the breezeway.)
Jeff Edmonds textbook, covered chapters (postscript) .
Jeff Edmonds textbook, covered chapters (PDF) .
This is a work in progress by Prof. Jeff Edmonds of
York University. Please send comments to jeff@cs.yorku.ca.
He appreciates feedback.
TAs: Huayong Hu, Jia Mao, Sean O'Rourke
TA office hours:
- Huayong: Thursday, 1-3, EBU-1 6307 C
- Jia: Wednesday, 1-3, EBU-1 6307 B
- Sean: Tuesday, 8:45-10:45, EBU-1 6307
Discussion section: Fri, 3-4, Solis 104