- June 3
For the final exam you will be allowed to bring two 8.5" by 11" sheets of paper with writing on both sides.
- May 29
Last year's final is available here and some additional
sample questions are available here.
- May 19
The final homework deadline has been extended by one week; it is now
due Tuesday June 3.
- May 14
Typo! In the lecture on May 14, the ijth entry of the matrix G should be g(xi-xj). (Thanks Sandeep Kanumuri.)
- May 12
The final exam will be Wednesday, June 11, 7:00-10:00pm, in Solis 111.
- Apr. 22
- Please use the following email address when contacting me about course-related matters:
sjb+cse252 | | |
- Apr. 16
All the focal lengths (f, fl, fr) in yesterday's
lecture on calibrated 3D reconstruction can be assumed to be 1, as in
Longuet-Higgins's paper. (Thanks Dashan Gao.)
- Apr. 11
Typo! In the lecture on April 7, the matrix Ai used in
estimating H should be as follows:
[0, 0, 0, -x, -y, -1, y'x, y'y,
x, y, 1, 0, 0, 0, -x'x, -x'y, -x']
- Apr. 10
I've gotten a few questions about whether groups need to turn in
individual or single homework solutions. This question and other
questions about the homework policies are answered on the Grading
and Course Policies section of the class web page. Please read it
carefully and let me know if you have any questions.
- If you are using pdflatex and you would like to incorporate
graphics (pdf, jpg, etc.) in your document, see hw1.tex for an example of how to use
- Apr. 8
- John Hershey followed up with some supplementary information on
the discussion from last Thursday's class on why pigeons bob their
heads when they walk; see here. (Thanks John.)
- Apr. 3
- Apr. 2
- The grading and course policies are available on the main
course web page; please read them carefully and contact me if you have
any questions.