Be sure to check this page periodically. If you have a machine where you are logged on continuously, remember to reload this page to prevent your browser from displaying old information saved in its cache. I will try to get notes for lectures on-line within a couple of days of class. I will also update pages with clarifications as I receive questions.
NOTICE: Any cheating will result in failure from the
class. You will no longer just get a zero score for the first offense.
The effect of being lenient and give you the benefit of the doubt by just giving a zero score rather than outright failure in the course is to allow you to cheat once. Or additional times if you get away with the first time unnoticed. The purpose of this class is to teach you system programming; while you will collaborate with others in a team after you graduate, you will not be an effective team member if you haven't learned the basics. And the best way to learn this stuff is to do it yourself. |
Web pages still being worked on are marked with .
77 students handed in something. Assignment as a whole: mean 70.3117 stdev 23.7324 Part 1: mean 6.389610 stdev 4.196956 Part 2: mean 14.727273 stdev 6.871050 Part 3: mean 13.389610 stdev 13.234308 Part 4: mean 17.038961 stdev 5.650978 Part 5: mean 18.766234 stdev 3.706422
The grade distribution for previous assignments is available (incl the midterm).
Final schedule: the final for this course will be given in HSS 1330 Wednesday 7pm-9:59pm.
A copy of the final examine, with answers is now available.
When you read the lecture notes, don't be shy about trying out the stuff being discussed. You can have the Web browser window side-by-side with xspim or a shell window and try things out as you read the notes. Better yet, hypothesize / deduce how things should work as you read these notes, and interactively verify them (experimental approach). |, last updated