HW #1 -- Due October 5
P&H 2.3, 2.4, 2.8, 2.15, 2.33, 2.34, 2.37 (just rows 1,4,7,10)
HW #2 -- Due October 14
- P&H 4.1, 4.2, 4.7, 4.9, 4.11, 4.17, 4.22, 4.46, 3.2, 3.5, 3.7, 3.10
- HW #3 -- Due October 26
- P&H 5.2 a,b,c, 5.3 d,e,f, 5.8, 5.36*, 5.41, P1
- * use the following frequencies (loads 26%, stores 11%, reg-reg ALU 44%,
branch 16%, jump 3%)
- P1 -- same as 5.41, but implement addi
- these might be useful, fig 5.17, fig 5.28, and fig 5.38.
- HW #4 -- Due November 9
- P&H 6.1, 6.3, 6.4, P2, 6.13, W1 (you can write by hand on
figures when you need to).
- P2 -- using figure 6.41 as a template, highlight all data paths active
(active means carrying data that will actually be used to complete the
instruction) for the following code, in the cycle that the lw is in the wb
- lw $5, 1000($4)
- add $1, $3, $5
- sw $10, 1004($4)
- sub $3, $10, $1
- W1 (web assignment 1): Give the number of pipeline stages in the
integer pipeline for the following machines: Pentium III, Pentium 4,
Alpha 21264, Itanium 2.
- HW #5 -- Due November 23
- P&H 6.14 (use figure 6.32, not 6.30, but also refer to 6.27 for the
control signals), 6.18, P3, P4, 6.21 (for b, consider all forwarding,
including reg-file), 6.36
- P3 -- (a) assuming the following code runs for a very long time, with
the branch always taken, what is the CPI? Assume the base pipelined
machine with forwarding, and a branch delay slot. In calculating
CPI, do not count the nop as an instruction.
- loop: add $4, $3, $2
- lw $2, 1000($4)
- addi $2, $2, #12
- sub $10, $10, 1
- beq $2, $10, loop:
- nop
- (b) Reorder the code to improve performance and give the new CPI.
- P4 -- Consider the sequence lw $4, 1000($5), sw $4, 2000($6).
In the best case, should this case require stalling?
Forwarding? Does our base machine contain the forwarding paths
to make this work? (Hint, figs 6.36 and 6.41 don't even have the
sw datapaths -- see fig 6.33 for the sw datapath you should assume is
also in 6.36 and 6.41). If not, briefly describe how it might
work. Do these same issues arise if the 2nd instruction is sw
$6, 2000($4)?
- HW #6 -- Due December 2
- P&H 7.3, 7.9, 7.10 (even if you turned them in already with hw 5),
7.12, 7.23, 7.25, 7.29, 7.33, 7.35, W2.
- W2: What are the on-chip cache configurations (size,
associativity, block size if you can get it) for the following
CPUs?: Alpha 21264, Itanium 2, Pentium 4 (if it varies by
particular version, just tell us which version).
Note, the homework may include some problems on the CD and not in the book, and even
include some problems ("For More Practice" from the CD) for which they make
the solutions readily available. For those ("for more practice") problems
only, you may consult the answers, but please do so only after solving them
(then you can go back and correct).
Very approximate Reading and Exam Schedule:
Date |
Topic |
Critical |
Important |
Informative |
Sept 23 |
Introduction |
1.2 |
- |
1.1, 1.3, 1.4 |
Sept 28 |
2.1-2.6,2.9 |
2.13,2.15,2.16 |
2.7,2.8,2.10-2.12 |
Sept 30 |
- |
- |
- |
Oct 5 |
Performance |
4.1-4.3,4.5 |
4.4 |
- |
Oct 7 |
Computer Arithmetic |
3.1-3.4,B.5 |
B.6 |
Oct 12 |
3.5-3.6 |
3.8 |
3.7 |
Oct 14 |
Single-Cycle CPU |
5.1,5.3,5.4 |
5.2 |
Oct 19 |
Single-Cycle CPU Control, Multi-cycle CPU |
5.5 |
C.3 |
Oct 21 |
Microprogramming and Exceptions |
5.6 |
5.7 |
Oct 26 |
Pipelining |
6.1,6.2 |
Oct 28 |
Data Hazards |
6.4,6.5 |
Nov 2 |
Nov 4 |
Midterm |
Nov 9 |
Control Hazards |
6.6 |
6.8 |
Nov 11 |
Advanced Pipelining |
6.9, 6.10 |
Nov 16 |
Cache Basics |
7.1-7.2 |
Nov 18 |
Better Caches |
7.3, 7.5 |
7.6 |
Nov 23 |
Nov 25 |
Thanksgiving |
Nov 30 |
Dec 2 |
Dec 9 |
Final Exam, Center Hall 115, 11:30 - 2:30 |