Winter school on Sum of Squares algorithm

January 4-7, 2017
University of California, San Diego

Location: CSE building (EBU3B), room 1202

Speakers: Boaz Barak (Harvard) and David Steurer (Cornell)

The Sum of Squares (SOS) algorithm (Parrilo '00, Lasserre'01) yields a unified approach for many problems arising in optimization, control, machine learning, computational complexity and more. The winter school will provide an extended introduction to this algorithm and its applications. We will cover both the basic results in this area as well as some exciting recent results. A tentative list of topics that we plan to touch upon is: For details see the schedule (including slides and videos)


when reserving any of the following hotels, please ask for the UCSD rate unless otherwise specified. UCSD rates are usually accommodated upon request but is not guaranteed, depending on the hotel's availability (the sooner, the better!).


Registration is free. Please register in advance, so that we can arrange accordingly.

Questions? please email Shachar Lovett.