Steven Hill

I graduated with my MS in Computer Science from UC San Diego in June 2017. I am broadly interested in machine learning, with a focus on deep learning for NLP and vision.

Recent News

I have successfully completed my research exam! I will graduate with my MS in June.

I am TAing for an upper graduate-level course on latent variable modeling (CSE291D) Spring quarter 2017.


University of California, San Diego

M.S. in Computer Science & Engineering

2013 - 2014, 2015 - 2017

University of Maryland, College Park

B.S. in Computer Science & Mathematics

2009 - 2013


On the (In)effectiveness of Mosaicing and Blurring as Tools for Document Redaction

S. Hill, Z. Zhou, L. Saul, H. Shacham — PETS 2016

An Iterative MapReduce Approach to Frequent Subgraph Mining

S. Hill, B. Srichandan, R. Sunderraman — ACM-BCB 2010


CSE291: Latent Variable Models

Teaching Assistant

Spring 2017

CMSC216: Introduction to Computer Systems

Teaching Assistant

Fall 2012


I like video games, weight lifting, and music.

Last Updated May 5th, 2017