SUN saliency map for color images [[code|code/]] (matlab).\nToolbox for video saliency [[code|]] (c++).\n\nFitting generalized Gaussian distribution to data [[ggd_fit.m|code/ggd_fit.m]] and plot the results [[ggd_fit.m|code/ggd_fit.m]] (matlab). The fitting code is an implementation of Song, K. (2006). A globally convergent and consistent method for estimating the shape parameter of a generalized Gaussian distribution. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 52, 510–527.
Education: \n*Ph.D., Computer Science & Cognitive Science\n**University of California, San Diego (Mar. 2008)\n*M.S., Computer Science\n**University of California, San Diego (Jun. 2005)\n*Double Major B.S., Computer Science, Management (Class of Gifted Young)\n**University of Science & Technology of China (Jun. 2002, at age of 19)\n\nIndustry Experience:\n*Statistics Scientist Lead (Dec. 2010 – present), Experian\n*Principal Scientist (Jan. 2008 – Dec. 2010), ID Analytics, Inc. \n**Developing fraud/credit risk models and collection models serving wireless and financial industries. \n*Summer Manager, AT&T Shannon Lab (Jun. – Aug., 2004)\n**Developed cost sensitive classification methods to monitor phone conversations, for faster and better customer service.\n*Software Engineer, Laser Diagnostic Inc. (Jun. – Aug., 2003)\n**Applied pattern recognition techniques to laser photos of the retina, for more accurate diagnosis and prediction on glaucoma.\n\nAcademic Experience:\n*Graduate Research Assistant, [[Garrison Cottrell's lab|]] , University of California, San Diego (2002 – 2007)\n**Dissertation research on probabilistic models of visual search, efficient algorithms on identifying salient regions of image/video; applications include social interactive robot and surveillance.\n**Off-dissertation projects and collaborations include face recognition and independent component analysis. \n**[[Publications]]\n*Research Assistant, Human Computer Interaction lab, Chinese Academy of Sciences (2001 – 2002)\n**XML based index, storage and search of handwritten documents database.\n*Research Assistant, AI lab, Univ. of Sci. & Tech. of China (2000 – 2001)\n**Design user interface for the data-mining project with the state power station.\n\nRelated Courses:\n*Probability Theory\n*Mathematical Statistics\n*Stochastic Processes\n*Statistical Learning\n*Online Learning\n*Learning Algorithms\n*Object Recognition\n*Graphical Models\n*Neural Networks for Patten Recognition\n*Cognitive Modeling\n*Complex Cognition and Problem Solving\n*Vision and Learning in Humans and Machines\n\nSummer Schools:\n*IPAM Probabilistic Models of Cognition: The Mathematics of Mind, 2007.\n*Okinawa Computational Neuroscience Course, 2005 – Prediction and Decisions.\n*EU Advanced Course in Computational Neuroscience, 2005.\n*IGERT Vision and Learning in Humans and Machines Bootcamp, 2004.\n\nAwards and Honors:\n*2006 Google Anita Borg Scholarship Finalist \n*2002-2003 ~Cal-IT2 Fellowship\n*2000-2001 Outstanding Student Scholarship \n*1999-2000 Huawei Scholarship\n*1999-2000 Cheng Jiaju Scholarship \n*1998-1999 Guanghua Education Scholarship\n*1997-1998 Outstanding New Student Award\n
[[Curriculum Vitae]]\n[[Publications]]
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[[Curriculum Vitae]]\n[[Publications]]\n[[Code]]\n[[Trips]]\n
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Lingyun Zhang, Matthew H. Tong & Garrison W. Cottrell (2009) [[SUNDAy: Saliency Using Natural Statistics for Dynamic Analysis of Scenes|publications/Zhang2009CSS.pdf]] In Proceedings of the Thirty-first Annual Cognitive Science Society Conference.\n\nChristopher Kanan, Mathew H. Tong, Lingyun Zhang & Garrison W. Cottrell (2009) [[SUN: Top-down saliency using natural statistics|publications/Zhang2009VC.pdf]] Visual Cognition, 17(5-6), 979-1003.\n\nLingyun Zhang, Matthew H. Tong, Tim K. Marks, Honghao Shan & Garrison W. Cottrell (2008). [[SUN: A Bayesian framework for saliency using natural statistics|publications/Zhang2008JOV.pdf]]. Journal of Vision, 8(7):32, 1-20,, doi:10.1167/8.7.32. [[Matlab code|code/]]\n\nNicholas J. Butko, Lingyun Zhang, Garrison W. Cottrell and Javier R. Movellan (2008) [[Visual saliency model for robot cameras. In International Conference on Robotics and Automation|publications/Zhang2008ICRA.pdf]]. In Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (~ICRA2008). [[Toolbox|]]\n\nJoseph P. ~McCleery, Lingyun Zhang, Liezhong Ge, Zhe Wang, Eric M. Christiansen, Kang Lee, Garrison W. Cottrell (2008) [[The roles of visual expertise and visual input in the face inversion effect: Behavioral and neurocomputational evidence|publications/Zhang2008VR.pdf]]. Vision Research, 48(5), 703-715. \n\nLingyun Zhang, Matthew H. Tong and Garrison W. Cottrell (2007) [[Information Attracts Attention: a Probabilistic Account of the Cross-Race Advantage in Visual Search|publications/Zhang2007CSS.pdf]]. In Proceedings of the Twenty-eighth Annual Cognitive Science Society Conference.\n\nHonghao Shan, Lingyun Zhang and Garrison W. Cottrell (2006) [[Recursive ICA|publications/Zhang2006NIPS.pdf]]. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 18 (~NIPS2006), MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.\n\nLingyun Zhang and Garrison W. Cottrell (2006) [[Look Ma! No Network!: PCA of Gabor Filters Models the Development of Face Discrimination|publications/Zhang2006CSS.pdf]]. In Proceedings of the Twenty-eighth Annual Cognitive Science Society Conference.\n\nLingyun Zhang and Garrison W. Cottrell (2005). [[Holistic Processing Develops Because it is Good|publications/Zhang2005CSS.pdf]]. In Proceedings of the Twenty-seventh Annual Cognitive Science Society Conference.\n\nLingyun Zhang and Garrison W. Cottrell (2005). [[A Computational Model which Learns to Selectively Attend in Category Learning|publications/Zhang2005ICDL.pdf]]. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference of Development and Learning: From Interaction to Cognition.\n\nLingyun Zhang and Garrison W. Cottrell (2004). [[When Holistic Processing is Not Enough: Local Features Save the Day|publications/Zhang2004CSS.pdf]]. In Proceedings of the Twenty-sixth Annual Cognitive Science Society Conference.\n\nLingyun Zhang and Garrison W. Cottrell (2004). [[Seeing Blobs as Faces or Letters: Modeling Effects on Discrimination|publications/Zhang2004ICDL.pdf]]. In Proceedings of the Third International Conference of Development and Learning: Developing Social Brains.
Lingyun Zhang
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My first backpacking trip happened in the summer of 2006 in the gorgeous mountains of north California, thanks to my friend Paul. At the time, I was quite ignorant of what I was getting into but just liked the idea and the challenge. From Aug 16th to 28th, Paul and I walked 170 miles on PCT (pacific crest trail) from the horseshoe meadow (abour 25 miles south of Whitney) to reds meadow, most of which is overlapping with JMT (John Muir trail). We walked through Sequoia NP, Kings Canyon NP, John muir wilderness and ended in Ansel Adam's wilderness. The original plan was to walk 202 miles into Yosemite and stop at Tuolumne meadow, but I pulled a muscle next to the left shin so we had to call the last two days off. Nevertheless, we walked a long way and covered the most scenic and hardest part of the trail. It left me with many wonderful photos and sweet memories. I have since done many other backpacking trips, but this one is the first, the longest, the hardest and the most memorable. The journal was written in the two weeks right after we came back to civilization, when I was still more or less in the backpacking mood. When I read it myself these days, I laugh at my own boldness and silliness. \n[[2006 JMT Backpacking 170 miles|trips/2006JMT/backpacking.htm]]\n\n[[Grand Canyon R2R2R|]]\n\n[[Half Dome|]]\n