Photo of Keaton Mowery
Keaton Mowery
Graduate Student Researcher
9500 Gilman Drive, MC 0404
La Jolla, CA 92093-0404
About Me

I am a sixth-year graduate student at UC San Diego Department of Computer Science and Engineering, working in the Systems and Networking group.

My research areas include web security, privacy, and general systems security.

My advisor is Hovav Shacham.

M. Andrysco, D. Kohlbrenner, K. Mowery, R. Jhala, S. Lerner, and H. Shacham. "On Subnormal Floating Point and Abnormal Timing." IEEE Security and Privacy (Oakland). May 2015. [PDF]
K. Mowery, E. Wustrow, T. Wypych, C. Singleton, C. Comfort, E. Rescorla, S. Checkoway, J. A. Halderman, and H. Shacham. "Security Analysis of a Full-Body Scanner." USENIX Security. August 2014. [PDF] [more info]
K. Mowery, M. Wei, D. Kohlbrenner, H. Shacham, and S. Swanson. "Welcome to the Entropics: Boot-Time Entropy in Embedded Devices." IEEE Security and Privacy (Oakland). May 2013. [PDF]
K. Mowery, S. Keelveedhi, and H. Shacham. "Are AES x86 Cache Timing Attacks Still Feasible?" ACM Cloud Computing Security Workshop (CCSW). October 2012. [PDF]
K. Mowery and H. Shacham. "Pixel Perfect: Fingerprinting Canvas in HTML5." Web 2.0 Security and Privacy (W2SP). May 2012. [PDF] [code]
S. Meiklejohn, K. Mowery, S. Checkoway, and H. Shacham. "The Phantom Tollbooth: Privacy-Preserving Electronic Toll Collection in the Presence of Driver Collusion." Proceedings of the USENIX Security Symposium. August 2011. [PDF]
K. Mowery, S. Meiklejohn, and S. Savage. "Heat of the Moment: Characterizing the Efficacy of Thermal-Camera Based Attacks." Proceedings of WOOT 2011. August 2011. [PDF]
C. Kanich, S. Checkoway, and K. Mowery. "Putting Out a HIT: Crowdsourcing Malware Installs." Proceedings of WOOT 2011. August 2011. [PDF]
K. Mowery, D. Bogenreif, S. Yilek, and H. Shacham. "Fingerprinting Information in JavaScript Implementations." Web 2.0 Security and Privacy (W2SP). May 2011. [PDF]
A. Cordero, T. Ji, A. Tsai, K. Mowery, and D. Wagner. "Efficient User-Guided Ballot Image Verification." Proceedings of EVT/WOTE 2010. Aug. 2010. [PDF]
Best Paper, EVT/WOTE 2010
Image credit: Erik Jepsen, U.C. San Diego Productions