About me

I have successfully defended my Ph.D. thesis in the Computer Science and Engineering Department at the University of California, San Diego. I was advised by the legendary Ryan Kastner and am a fellow of the National Science Foundation.

I received my Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Engineering from the University of California, Santa Barbara in 2009. You can find an undergraduate profile of me at UCSB here.

I am currently the Co-founder and CEO of Tortuga Logic, Inc.. We are a hardware security testing and verification company.

My Technical Interests

My interests are in security specifically with embedded systems and reconfigurable devices including FPGAs(Field Programmable Gate Arrays). I am interested in computer architecture, embedded systems, high-level synthesis, and security. I have also done some passed work in accelerated vision applications, including a GPU implementation of a face-detection algorithm. To get a better feel for what I do, refer to my publications page.

Thesis Research

  • Hardware and Embedded System Security: The goal of this research project is to not only understand the security threats in hardware and embedded systems but to construct tools and methods for providing strong information flow guarantees to ensure secret keys never leak or that high-integrity components are never affect by less trusted ones. Please see my full page on Hardware Security for a more detailed description.