Dhiman Sengupta

I am a Ph.D. candidate at University of California, San Diego (UCSD) in the Computer Science and Engineering department. At UCSD I am part of the Microelectronic Embedded Systems Laboratory (MESL) and am being advised by Prof. Rajesh Gupta. I am expect to graduate by summer 2022. Currently, my research is focused on developing real-time embedded tools for the next generation of hearable technology. My background lies in working on interdisciplinary projects with different types of embedded sensors and handling their data flows by processing the data in real-time using novel algorithms. Before joining UCSD I recieved my B.S.E. at University of Michigan in Computer Engineering with the focus in DSP and Computer Architecture. After which I worked for three years at the Advanced Space Position, Navigation and Timing branch of the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) where my research was focused primarily on time syncronization and syntonization of clocks across long distances.

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Selected Publications (Google Scholar)

1. Dhiman Sengupta, Tamara Zubatiy, Sean K. Hamilton, Arthur Boothroyd, Cagri Yalcin, Dezhi Hong, Harinath Garudadri, Rajesh K Gupta (2020, Oct). Open Speech Platform: Democratizing Hearing Aid Research, EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (PervasiveHealth) , 2020.

2. Francesco Fraternali, Bharathan Balaji, Dhiman Sengupta, Dezhi Hong, and Rajesh K. Gupta. 2020. Ember: energy management of batteryless event detection sensors with deep reinforcement learning. In Proceedings of the 18th Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys ’20). Association for Computing Machinery.

3. Jason Koh, Bharathan Balaji, Dhiman Sengupta, Julian McAuley, Rajesh Gupta, Yuvraj Agarwal (2018 November). Scrabble: transferrable semi-automated semantic metadata normalization using intermediate representation, Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Systems for Built Environments BuildSys 2018.

4. Hamilton, S., Sengupta, D. , & Gupta, R. (2018, May). Introducing Automatic Time Stamping (ATS) with a Reference Implementation in Swift. In 2018 IEEE 21st International Symposium on Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC) (pp. 138-141). IEEE.

5. Garudadri, H., Boothroyd, A., Lee, C. H., Gadiyaram, S., Bell, J., Sengupta, D., ... & Rao, B. D. (2017, October). A realtime, open-source speech-processing platform for research in hearing loss compensation. In Signals, Systems, and Computers, 2017 51st Asilomar Conference on (pp. 1900-1904). IEEE.

6. Yen, Jim, Sengupta, Dhiman, "Long Distance Time Transfer using Time Reversal (T3R)," Proceedings of the 47th Annual Precise Time and Time Interval Systems and Applications Meeting, Monterey, California, January 2016, pp. 99-106.

Contact Me

Email: dhimnsen at eng.ucsd.edu

LinkdIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dhimnsen/

Google Scholar: Google Scholar

Github: https://github.com/dhimnsen