Chenwei Cai

Email: cwcai [at] eng [dot] ucsd [dot] edu


About me

Hi! My name is Chenwei Cai (蔡晨蔚). I am an SWE at Google. I received my Master's degree from Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of California, San Diego. Before that I earned my Bachelor's degree in Astronomy from Peking University.

Research interests

My interests lie in data mining, machine learning and recommender systems. I am working with Prof. Julian McAuley and his PhD student Ruining He at UCSD.


[1] SPMC: Socially-Aware Personalized Markov Chains for Sparse Sequential Recommendation
Chenwei Cai, Ruining He, Julian McAuley
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Melbourne, Australia, August 2017. (Acceptance rate: 660/2540=26.0%)
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