Donghwan Jeon

Ph.D. Candidate

Computer Science and Engineering
University of California, San Diego

Office: EBU3b 3217
Email: djeon AT cs dot ucsd dot edu


About Me

Hi, my name is Donghwan (a.k.a. "DJ"). I'm a Ph.D. candidate in the CSE department at UCSD and a member of the Architecture Group. My advisor is Prof. Michael Taylor.

My research focuses on the parallelization of programs on future many-core processors. The current project "Kremlin" aims to provide useful information in the parallelization of serial programs via dynamic program analysis, making parallelization process more systematic and productive.

Before coming to San Diego, I worked at MDS Technology from 2002 to 2005, developing a real-time operating system named Velos (the latest version is called as NEOS).

